I nodded, eyes burning again. My eyes dipped to Malekai's perfect, cupid’s bow mouth. Everything within me urged me to close that small distance between us. When my eyes flicked up to his, I saw that his gaze was fixed in the same place on me. When his eyes lifted to meet mine… Something tightened between us.


I exhaled the breath I’d been holding. But now was not the time to pour my heart out.

“Yes… Sorry. I’m… fine. I just… Don’t wanna leave you.”

A grin curled his lips, and the tension between us lifted all at once.

His fingers carded into my hair, gripping it and pulling my head back to bare my throat to him.

Fuck. Yes. This was everything. I needed this.

I silently vowed to myself and Malekai, right then and there, that I would come back and make this right.

Malekai’s fangs grazed me as he growled his pleasure at my admission against the curve of my neck. His cock, still hard and leaking, twitched insistently against my seam and my ass.

“Just hurry up and get the fuck back here. Or I’ll come kill that hybrid fucker myself just so I can drag you back here.”

I grinned against his throat.

My body hummed in anticipation.

I could finally breathe again for the first time in I didn’t know how long, only partly because I had fed. The clouds dimming my mind, and my mood had finally faded. Admittedly, feeding again had returned me to my sharpest senses and endowed me with a wellspring of energy.

“Thank you. For making me feed…”

Malekai’s huge body sighed heavily against me.

“Whether or notyouknow what’s best for you, I will always do what I need to to keep you safe, tessari mú.”




Miroslav was already waiting outside The House of Rubra when Malekai and I stepped out. Miroslav bowed as he turned from where he’d been staring, seemingly, into the distance as his eyes met mine.

“Irae,” he said before shifting his iridescent gaze to Malekai and studying him for a moment, something like wariness briefly filtering through.


“My Lord.”

“I’ll wait by Chihiro.”

My eyes followed as Miroslav strode across the cobblestoned street where Chihiro stood nibbling away at the leaves of a bush, peeking between the sharp wrought iron fence posts where I’d tied his reins.

A tendril of dread curled through me at the sight of the wall painted with Mors’ symbol. Theinverted torch with wings.

I tore my gaze away. As usual, the sight of Malekai alone allowed me to exhale my relief.

He gave me a concerned look.

“Something wrong, Tessari mú?”

I shook my head. Thankfully, he didn’t press the subject. Instead, he merely pulled me against him and stroked my hair.