Seline and I had just begun to heal our relationship when she’d been killed at the beginning of the war. Malekai had been the only one to help me pick up the remnants of my shattered heart.

I also feared that the moment I opened myself up to him that way, he’d be taken from me. Just as so many things in my life that I loved had been. My mother. My best and only friend before Malekai, Fara. My first love, Seline… All of my closest friends in the military, who, in every way except blood, had become my family. Malekai was the only person I hadn’t lost. If I allowed myself that happiness, I felt like perhaps the rug would finally be ripped out from underneath me. ThatKarmawould finally catch up with me.

‘Well, Mareina, it appears you’ve used all your happiness tokens, so now, surely, it is time for someone you love to die.’

Because after all that I had done, I certainly didn’t deserve that kind of happiness.

Yet somehow, by the grace ofAkash, we both survived the losses, the deaths of countless friends, and the war… and a century later, we were still here, despite all the trauma and survivor’s guilt.

With each death of a loved one, a hole had been carved in my heart that could never be filled. And if something happened to Malekai… I didn’t think I could survive this world. I wouldn’t want to. A world without Malekai would condemn me to a world utterly void of love.

Ever in tune with my thoughts, Malekai stepped forward, gently bracing me by the arms as he peered down into my face.

“Mareina,please…If you don’t care enough about your self-preservation to feed beforehand, then please do it for mine. If something happened to you…”

Malekai’s face hardened as though trying to stifle emotion.

“… I swear toAkashthat I will literally throw myself onto my own fucking sword just to chase you into the afterworld and strangle you. I refuse to be in this wretched realm without you.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle as I leaned into him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

“Fine,” I acquiesced.

Malekai heaved a sigh of relief, squeezing me firmly against him as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. My eyes stung with the love I had for this male.

Malekai, of course, just happened to tilt my gaze up to his the moment a rogue tear slipped down my cheek.

“Hey now…”Malekai’s voice was the best kind of embrace. The kind that you felt deep in your bones. In your soul. “Wanna tell me what has you all worked up?”

I shook my head, feeling a little ashamed at my sudden, random swell of emotion.

“That’s ok… So long as you know, I will always be right here for you. And nothing will ever get in the way of that because I won’t hesitate to murderwhoorwhateverdared to do so.”

I buried my face in the immovable wall of his chest, savouring the intense warmth that radiated from his body and his sea salt and embers scent. He smelled like the sun, the sea, and bonfires with every ounce of the comfort each could bring.

“Will you accompany me to the parlour?” I asked, pulling away to take in the reaction I knew he would have. Like the masochist I apparently was.

His disappointment was evident, but he simply pressed another kiss to my forehead.

“Wherever you go, I will follow, Mareina.”




The House of Rubra was arguably the least seedy blood parlour in Bastrina. For one, it didn’t have a shared feeding room where orgies took place. Instead, while it maintained a modicum of the signature gaudy opulence that virtually all blood parlours were known for, all of its rooms were private and consisted of more than just an enormous bed.

Malekai and I entered through towering, dark wooden doors into a quiet stone foyer boasting a chandelier flickering with candlelight - the only light in the space. An elegant figure appeared, dressed in a long sheer dress that left little to the imagination, whispering against the stone floor as she strode down the hallway.

“Sanguis felix,”she purred.Happy blood.It was an ancient but frequently used greeting between sanguinati intended to wish the recipient healthy blood that brought them good fortune. Her face was beautiful and doll-like in its perfection. Her full, pouty lips, large doe eyes framed by lush dark eyelashes, and high cheekbones complimented her lithe yet voluptuous figure. I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy when her eyes roved over Malekai with blatant hunger.

“Sanguis Felix,” I managed, not bothering to force a smile on my face. Her gaze snapped to mine as if catching herself, and she managed a polite, if not apologetic, smile. Somehow, Malekai’s gaze, bless him, remained steadfastly fixed on me as he pressed his large palm against my lower back to reassure me.

“How may I serve?” She asked.

“Just one room and onedonatris, please.”Donor.