I jolted slightly at the intrusion of him speaking within my mind. He had never done so before. It was an exceedingly rare gift, but again, I wasn’t surprised that he possessed it.


Malekai was the last person I would speak to about this, even if he did love me unconditionally. He may have half-jokingly offered to kill Zurie for me, but I knew that if it came down to it, there would be a lot that would have to occur for him to actually sacrifice his luxurious lifestyle. And short of betraying me, he’d do just about anything to protect it, including, but not limited to, telling Zurie what Miroslav was apparently trying to do.

It probably would be best because this is fuckinginsane.

Not to mention, he and Miroslav had never taken a liking to one another.

A few of Zurie’s soldiers strolled past, their conversation quieting at the sight of us, dropping their gazes.

“After you’re finished preparing, I’ll find you and drop you outside of the tavern where Nakoa will be… I’ll see you when the time comes.”




Still trying to collect the pieces of my mind that had just been blown away, I moved on autopilot. Riven’s eyes widened at the sight of me before rushing over. The stable boy was a young satyr male that I guessed was only 19 or 20. He hadn’t been with Queen Zurie but a few years and was only just beginning to outgrow the signs of adolescence.

“Irae Kalini! I wasn’t expecting you! My apologies, but Chihiro is grazing. Shall I fetch him for you?”

I couldn’t help the grin that tilted a corner of my lips at his sweet nature,willingseveral silvers into my palm and offering them to him.

“It’s not a problem, Riven, I can go find him. Would you mind just collecting a couple satchels of food for him, enough for four days, if possible?”

Riven’s mouth parted, his upper lip still only capable of growing the sparsest of moustaches, and his warm brown eyes rounded at the sight of the silvers.

“Oh- No- I mustn’t?—

Riven started as I took his hand, placing the money within.

“Don’t be ridiculous. How long would it take you to earn this amount otherwise?”

Riven’s mouth tilted downwards even as his shoulders straightened, and he lifted his chin.

“It’s a full month’s pay.”

I nodded, heartstrings tugging.

“And do you have anyone at home to take care of?”

Riven’s throat worked on a swallow.

“Yes… My mother and baby sister.”

“Is your father around?”

Riven’s energy became heavy, and I knew the answer before the words left his mouth. His grief was a palpable thing.

“No… He passed away shortly before I was hired into Her Majesty’s service.”

Oh God.This was why he had started working here so young.

I willed a palmful of gold coins into my hand. Riven’s eyes widened further, soon brimming with unshed tears. I knew this look. This feeling. Before my father and I had been taken in by the Erosyan Order, we had been destitute like so many of their disciples.

Riven opened his mouth to protest, and I held up a palm.