“No, but I can tell you it will change the course ofourlives for the better. One in which you may even one day find your mother…”

My breath stilled at that faint flicker of hope but promptly extinguished. Bubbling anger followed at his manipulation.

I chose to ignore it.

“What was Zurie referencing when she spoke to you about betrayal?”

A subtle grin quirked his lips, something twinkling in his eyes.

“You’ll find out in a matter of days…”

I nearly reared back.

“And are you betraying her?”

Miroslav’s grin became luminous.

“Indeed, I am.”

My jaw nearly hit the floor.

“Why? I’d have assumed if anyone was loyal to her, it would beyou.”

Miroslav’s expression hardened with restrained sadness.

“Every horror I have committed, I did so to protect those that I love.”

Imagining Miroslavlovinganyone was… Something I hadn’t fathomed.

“To what end? Are you trying to usurp the throne?”

Miroslav huffed a mirthless laugh.

“No, Mareina. I have no designs nor desire to bear the burden of a throne. The only future in which we can all be free required me to shackle myself to that monster. It will haunt me in this life and the next, but at least mysoulboundwill be safe.”

I stared almost disbelievingly, brow furrowed and rendered speechless for several moments.

“And why exactly are you trusting me with this knowledge?”

“Because I know you want Zurie to meet her end as much as I do.”

Disbelief and wariness wove through me. This male had always appeared to be nothing but loyal to Zurie. Had it all been by design? He had committed such horrific acts…

As have you,my conscience promptly reminded me.

I’d wanted to find a way out for decades… But Zurie had me on a leash…

“… It would be no more of a challenge for you to end her life than it is for you to draw breath,” I mused in accusation.

Miroslav gave me a sad smile.

“That, unfortunately, is not true. When she hired me as her seer and advisor, she made me swear a blood oath.”

Of course, she did.

How wildly unfortunate.

At my scowl, he continued.