Zurie's eyes flared wide briefly, and a vein began to bulge in her forehead as she spoke in a dangerously quiet voice.

"Do you like your place in this realm, General Theikos? The luxuries it affords you? The countless nights of debauchery atSatia Famathat you indulge in?"

Malekai's expression gave nothing away as he spoke evenly. "Yes, Your Majesty."

She studied him for a moment, a look of dissatisfaction pinching her features.

"But you're not entirely motivated by those things, are you? What about the comfort and stability afforded to Irae Kalini? Or the money you're able to save in the hopes of one day retiring and… taking my Irae with you?"

My heart stuttered and clenched at her words as Malekai's jaw clenched.

Zurie chuckled. "How precious that would be… What a fairytale I'm sure you've imagined for yourself."

Malekai remained silent, though I couldn't help but notice the hand fisting at his side restlessly as though it wished to grip the ruby-tipped pommel of his blackened steel sword. Tiny flames sparked around fingertips as though he could barely suppress his power rising to the surface.

Zurie chuckled, humming to herself. "Well, I can assure you that none of that will be possible if this Uprising gains traction. What do you think will happen if every fuckingminori wielderall over Atratus bans together against us? Hm? Even enough ants can overcome a lion. And thennoneof your little fantasies will become a reality because we'll all be dead. The Kingdom will lay in ruin. Given to lawlessness and impulse just as it didbeforemy ancestors came here andbuiltthis fucking throne."


Before Zurie's ancestors arrived, this place had been a place of wild bounty, even if it hadn't held the comforts that more modern times were afforded.

Malekai remained silent still as Zurie's gaze bore into him.

"And what we need is to burn this blight at the root.Findtheseminoriscum outlaws.Findthe leaders of this Uprising. I want their dreams shattered like glass upon the cold, unforgiving ground. This kingdom will learn the consequences of challenging a queen: a slow, agonizing death."

Each heinous word she spoke only further served to increase my hatred of her.

How difficult would it be to kill her here and now?

Even if I died doing so… It would be worth it. Judging by the dark purple stain on her lips, I'm not sure I would be able to pull it off.

Gods, who would take her fucking place?


One of her vile Lords or Ladies?

None of those prospects stood in our favor.

Malekai's reply was firm but bared an unmistakable hollowness to it. "Understood, Your Majesty."

Perhaps Malekai's conscience was starting to wear on him... Though it was doubtful. He'd expressed as much.

At Zurie's silence, Malekai bowed and turned, briefly locking eyes with me before striding out of the courtyard garden.

Zurie took a deep breath as she began to slowly pace in front of the pond housing herhungryfish. I couldn't help but imagine pushing her in, them shredding her to pieces.

Instead, I waited silently, thoughts having followed Malekai out of concern. Concern at Zurie's sociopathic display, how he would handle Zurie'sinvitation, and now his latest assignment - public executions.

Zurie's eyes lingered on Malekai's back until he disappeared, and she finally turned to face me. She took her time running her gaze over me as though examining some kind of puzzle with too many missing pieces.

"There is a… a hybrid male. Half-fae, half-human. From what I'm told, he always wears a glamor… His name is Nakoa Solanis. Apparently, he lives somewhere in The Sentient Forest. I need you to find him, kill him, and bring me the body… Have Miroslav fold you and the body to the crypt."

Several heartbeats passed, anticipating that perhaps she would elaborate. She had never requested I bring the corpse of her 'victims' back with me… Perhaps she wanted to make an example of him by mounting his head on a pike in front of the castle.

The beginnings of a sneer began to curl her lip at my lack of response.

"Yes, your majesty…"