


Sleep evaded me. Though it was perhaps for the better. It meant I wouldn't be haunted by the reoccurring nightmares depicting even further twisted versions of my past, nor the bizarre reoccurring dream of some god - whether long forgotten or imaginary, I had no idea - begging to be unleashed.

By the time the moons had sunk to the horizon and the watery light of dawn's twilight began to seep in through my bedroom window, I'd given up trying. I also hadn't fed properly in at least a week. I ate food, like most anyone else, but it wasn't what truly sustained me. Even if thoroughly enjoyable on occasion, it never left me feeling truly sated or nourished.

I swiftly bathed in scalding hot water, hoping uselessly that it would somehow lessen my hunger pains. Since The Atratusian War had ended 88 years ago, I felt as though every life I'd taken took a piece of my soul with it, and now I had nothing left. Deep within the darkest part of my subconscious that haemorrhaged into my waking consciousness, I knew that I didn't deserve to live. Much less enjoy the satisfaction and nourishment that blood would give me.

I braided the length of my long black hair, studying my olive complexion. Over the course of too many sleepless and hungry nights, I'd begun to pale, and my high cheekbones were becoming a little too sharp. A symptom of my lack of feeding. Perhaps it was time to visit a blood parlour. Another sort of pleasure palace that I avoided, knowing full well that whatever went on at the Erosyan Temple, it would be even worse at the blood parlours, but at least they weren't haunted by my memories or the ghosts within.

The sun had just begun to peek its warm, purple and orange rays over the horizon, reflecting starkly off the black waters of The River Atratus by the time I made my way to Zurie's palace. It was a sharp, white, jagged thing that cut into the skyline like spiralling daggers. Aesthetically, it was an assault on what would be a majestic landscape where it was positioned in the valley with the mountains as its only backdrop. Architecturally, it was an astounding and intricate sprawling mass of twisted spires with detailed sculptures carved into the edifice itself.

Still, I found it mildly hideous and rather abrasive to look at.

Approaching the imposing gates, I slipped the hood of my cape off. The horde of fae guards stepped aside silently as I approached. Though their heads remained forward-facing, I could feel their eyes following me like an unwanted touch as curiosity and wariness radiated from them.

Sanguinati rarely reached the upper echelons of society. Generally, they were regarded as too dangerous, too cunning, and too savage to be trusted. Mainly because we generally didn't have any need foraetra. And our magic didn't diminish with use.

Objectively speaking, I couldn't blame their wariness. We required the blood of beings who possessed magic.

Beings like them.

The facttheywere our prey, and not humans, who were viewed as little more than labour livestock by most wielders nor most animals - naturally caused a rift between our kinds. Even though it wasn't necessary, or even common these days, that we took a life every time we fed. Quite the opposite, in fact. Thanks to our venom, feeding was most often an exceedingly pleasurable experience. It was only in rare cases when a sanguinati had gone too long without feeding that they risked being lost to blood lust.

It had taken a year of Malekai's incessant persuasion for Queen Zurie to consider me for the esteemed and feared position of Royal Irae. Queen Zurie had made her distaste of sanguinati evident to the both of us.

Though they certainly had their place in her army because of our tremendous power and inexhaustible supply of magic. It was said that the sanguinati were the descendants of the Omnisseras. An ancient race of primals that had seeded our realm, Bellorum, with their spawn before they'd either left or died out.

The palace was still blessedly quiet when I arrived. I looked forward to spending my early hours in the training arenas to work off some of my mounting tension. A grin leapt upon my face when I saw the deadly obstacle course empty, excitement brimming, as I unclasped my cape and let it pool around my feet.

I approached the white marble waist-high obelisk carved with ancient ruins- a blood altar- and drew my dagger across my palm to spill my blood into the sharpened point of its apex. As my blood trickled into the veins of the marble, hungry magic began to emanate from it, licking against my own as though trying to steal more than I was already offering. A low, metallic groan and a monstrous yawn sounded in the distance, signifying the now-waking labyrinth and all the beasts that roamed within.

The labyrinth's obstacles and creatures were ever-changing. There was no memorizing the way out or anticipating what obstacle or creature might come next. It was chosen for you each time, and each time was different. And many who went in died. It was the final requisite to becoming one of Zurie's infamous royal guards, infantrymen, and the like.

"Why you'd choose that haunted death trap as a way to blow off steam is beyond me."

My heart leapt at the sound of that voice.

I turned to find Malekai sitting perched on the leg of a stone sculpture of a sphynx behind me. He brought a bright yellow pear to his lips, taking a large bite that made juice run down into the dimple of his perfectly sculpted chin. I couldn't help the scoff that escaped me at the sight of his shirtless chest glistening with perspiration from his own training.It was honestly cruel for any male to be that good-looking.

"It's been nearly two weeks since Zurie sent me off to do her 'bidding'."

As much as I hated it, her tasks were also a source of therapy for me… So long as they proved to deserve her wrath, which was often the case, thankfully.

Malekai finished the rest of his juicy snack in two large bites - core and all - before hopping off the Sphinx, falling about a dozen feet before landing with feline grace and prowling towards me. His voice was a velvety purr.

“Train with me.”

He gave me a wicked grin that promised… so many things.

If I’d only be willing to accept them.

If only I deserved them.

Deserved him.