“Do you feel my body speaking to your touch?”

His eyes widen as I press my breasts more firmly against his hands. “You’re so lovely, Eala.”

“Satisfy your curiosity, Sionnach. Watch how my body responds. I’ll tell you if you’re too rough.”

His caresses become more powerful. As his rough palms slide over my hardened nipples, my breathing quickens with desire.

I lean forward and brace my hands on either side of his neck. “Now taste me, Fox.” I pull his mouth to one nipple. “First with your tongue then take me deep in your mouth. Watch how I grow for you.”

He follows my instructions. As my nubs plump, he adds foxy nips to his ministrations. A heated wire snaps between my breasts and core. I stroke his cheekbones and temples with my fingertips as his explorations grow hungrier.

I’m dangerously close to my own burst. My core is spiraled into a devastating knot. Determined to hold on as long as possible to give Sion the full experience of bringing a woman to orgasm, I ease his shoulders back.

He sits up straight, clasping the indent of my waist in his hands. “Did I harm you, love?”

“Absolutely the opposite, my fox.” A sweet look of anticipation knits his brows as he waits for my next command. “Kiss your way down my body.” Leaning back on my elbows, I offer myself to him.

“With pleasure.” His green glass eyes reflect the moon in twin pinpoints of brightness. Desire deepens his voice to a syrupy richness.

Rough hands continue to worship my breasts as his kisses dip lower and lower. He avoids the apex of my legs, kissing and licking the inside of one thigh then the other. I writhe with pleasure and the pain of holding back. I can’t be the patient teacher any longer. “Now here.” Clutching handfuls of those wonderful curls, I guide his mouth to my slickness. He lets out a sweet cry of surprise.

“Taste how my body longs for you, Sionnach. Have you ever paused to savor a lover’s want?”

He grunts a negative while his lips dive deep and his tongue takes its fill of me. He lifts his head for a moment to smile. “You’ve grown brilliantly ripe under my kisses.” As soon as he finishes the compliment, he’s back at it with even more enthusiasm, finding new places to visit that make my need for him cross the line into desperation.

Inside me, a thousand dots of heat from the Veil Sprites escalate until I can’t bear it a moment longer. My orgasm smashes into Sion’s kisses. I raise my hips to offer him his fill of me. He greedily laps my desire, humming with pleasure. As I slowly shudder, returning to a measure of sanity, he kisses his way up my body, pausing his travels long enough to give my nipples each a deep suck before he reaches my mouth.

He speaks against my lips. “I hope I’m doing right by you, because you’re driving me to brilliant madness.”

I kiss him hungrily. “Too very right.”

The corded muscles of his arms quiver as I hold tight to them, worried I may roll off the platform in my ecstasy. I’m impressed the man who was so ready to take me with minimal preamble has held back. I slide one hand down his side and across his hip until I grasp his ready shaft. The heat and pulse against my palm nearly undo me a second time. Moving slowly, I learn every delicious contour of his cock. The desire to taste him falls to second place behind my urge to welcome him inside me.

He raises himself above me. “As much as I appreciate the making love lessons, and I do…”

His breath is ragged and damn sexy. I wish we had the whole night for lessons.

“…I must have you now, my swan, or lose my mind.”

This time I take charge of the guiding, circling his tip around my thirsty opening until I finally press him inside me. Raising my hips, I invite him to go deeper.

He braces himself above me, stroking my hair as he slides his length in carefully, testing our fit. His slow pace nearly kills me.

“Make love to me, Sionnach.” When I cross my legs over his back and drive my hips into his, he moans.

“You’ve made a beautiful path for me by being as wet as the tears running down my face.”

I’m moved by the glistening tracks across his cheeks. As his thrusts grow more urgent, I ride stroke for stoke with him. A word plays through my mind.


At Sion’s release, I see the shimmering walls of the Veil wink to life for a moment around us and then melt away as he finishes. A sweet little wheeze plays through his breath as the pulses inside me diminish. He begins to roll off me, but I hold him in place.

His voice is a growly purr. “I thank you, love, for taking my seed so…”

I give his ass a tiny slap. “Enthusiastically?”

“I can settle on that.”