I dip in and out of consciousness. Moments of clarity begin to brighten then float away.

Sion carrying me down the hill, his warm cheek pressed to my cold one.

Colleen’s worried voice repeating my name over and over.

Sion pressing a hand to my heart and singing.

Jeremy calling for a doctor.

The security of being tucked against Sion’s solid chest.

Charlie promising Colleen I’m going to be alright.

Sion’s lips pressed to my forehead.








A hand strokes my hair as Sion’s soothing voice pokes through my flipbook awareness. “Drink a bit more, love.”

I’m aware of being supported as a water bottle tips to my mouth. I cover the hands holding it and attempt to chug the cool liquid. My throat feels coated in sand.

Sion eases the bottle from my lips. “Slow a bit. Robbie’s got loads more.” He resumes gently sliding his fingers through my hair. I lean into his touch like a contented cat.

I’d love nothing more than to close my eyes and drift back to sleep, but Colleen’s voice pulls me in the opposite direction. She crouches nearby, rubbing my arm above the blanket that covers me. “Hi. Welcome back.”

I blink at the painfully bright room, focusing on her face. “Hi.” My voice is raw and rusty.

“How do you feel, La?”

I’m propped up against Sion, lying on a sofa in a living room under a soft blanket or two. The combo of his body heat and layers of plaid wool make for a very toasty cocoon. Across the room, Charlie perches on an armchair near a blazing fireplace.

I burrow closer to Sion and his soothing warmth. “Snug.” My stomach gurgles too loudly to be ignored.

Colleen looks relieved. “Ready for food?”

“If there’s coffee involved.”

“Absolutely,” she agrees and leaves the room with a quick backward glance at Sion. I know that look. She hasn’t decided what to make of him. I get it. Her brain is still processing how I could connect myself to Sion when he’s miles outside every bullet point on my ideal man checklist. I wish I could share real details with her. If anyone could help me make sense of this rapid-fire attraction to him, it’s Colleen.

I pep up a bit and claim the water bottle for another slug. “Where are we?”

Sion pulls the blanket tighter under my chin. “You’re in Robbie’s flat, above the pub.”

I bunch a fistful of blanket. “And I’m here, why? What happened?”

I feel Sion breathe in and out as if steadying himself. “The short of it is, you keeled over.” A battle of how much more to add plays across his face. Adrenaline fires up in my chest. His unease suggests whatever took me down may be connected to our nocturnal travels, but this is definitely not the time to over-share.