Page 57 of Bitter Sweet

“Yep.” The fed shrugged and the deputy joined him, standing over the dead man’s body. “Guess he couldn’t handle being beaten by the beautiful baker.”

If Michael was an eye-roller, that would be cause for an epic roll—or three. The deputy shot the fed a skeptical side-eye.

Even Deb’s smile looked weak, but from the way the FBI guy smiled back, he didn’t realize how unimpressed she was. “I had a lot of help from my friends.” She stepped to Michael’s side, but left her hand on his lower back, a gesture he appreciated. Especially when something about the scene didn’t feel right.

He put his arm around Deb, gripping her bicep so he could pull or push her out of the line of fire. She shot him a raised brow look. He barely shook his head and raised his shoulders in a tiny shrug, keeping his eye on the two law enforcement officers.

The deputy had reported, but the special agent hadn’t. Nor had he introduced himself. Something was definitely not right. Besides, more FBI should have shown up by now. The fed pulled out his phone and tapped, then snapped a picture of Koslov. He kept typing, then stepped away from the deputy and snapped a picture of him.

The deputy raised his hands. “Hey, I don’t want publicity for this. I did my job, that’s it.”

Michael really should have a backup pistol on his body. But he’d believed they were secure inside the bakery. He slid his hand down Deb’s back, hoping her phone was in her back pocket. She jolted and shot him a wide-eyed glance, then relaxed when he pulled the phone. But her phone was on facial recognition. He mouthed, “999, Wiz,” to her.

Deb took the phone, turned away from him and sank to her knees, sobbing. She should win an Oscar for her performance, but her life was the more important prize.

Michael half-turned toward her, dropping to one knee, and rubbing his left hand up and down her back, but watched the fed. If necessary, he could fling his body across hers and protect her. “It’s all over, Deb. No need to cry.”

“Oh, there’s plenty of reason to cry. But you won’t be.” The fed pulled his weapon, pointed it at the deputy, and stepped back, toward the back door. He stooped and scooped up Koslov’s pistol. “Too bad Koslov got all of you before the deputy miraculously took the final shot.”

Michael snort-laughed. “Right. That’s completely unbelievable and not supported by the evidence.”

“He’s right.” The deputy shuffled away from Koslov, toward them. “Besides, backup is on the way. You waited too long.”

The agent smiled. “It’s a federal crime scene, I’ll make it look exactly how I want it to look.”

Deb laughed, turned and pointed at him. “Too bad. You’re on candid camera. And not cameras controlled by law enforcement.”

The fed snickered. “Victory Security has their own problems. They’re about to go down in flames.”

“I don’t think so.” A man’s voice, coming from outside the bakery. “Drop the weapon. We already knew you were dirty, but not how far you were willing to go.” Trevor Mills’ face appeared on the far side of the SUV’s hood, his pistol pointed at the agent. “Murder, Young? That’s far more serious than what we’ve already found. You should have turned on Koslov. Probably would have saved you from a jail sentence.”

Young raised his pistol, pointing at Mills. “He’s got my family. They’re probably dead already, but I can’t take that chance.”

Mills tsked. “Your family is safe. We got them out this morning. Drop the weapons. Look at your phone.”

“You’re not lying?” Agent Young’s tone rose.

Mills shook his head. “No. Your family is okay.”

Young dropped both pistols, letting them clatter on the concrete. The deputy kicked them away. Young yanked his phone from his jacket pocket and poked at the screen. His head and shoulders sagged. “Oh, thank God.” Putting the phone back in his pocket, he put his hands behind his head. “You’re right, I should have come clean. But I didn’t know who I could trust.”

“You’re not the only one. Deputy, if you would?” Mills kept his pistol pointed at Young.

The deputy strode to the fed, yanking cuffs from his belt, and snapped them on. “Special Agent Young, you’re under arrest for attempted murder and corruption. And charges to be filed later…” The deputy led him to the front door.

“Mills, where is Sam!” Deb stomped across the floor, fury written on her face.

“She’s safe.” He withdrew the pistol, but stayed on the far side of the SUV. Which was smart, because if looks could kill, he’d be dead.

“And I should believe you?” Deb tried to jump on the SUV’s hood, but she was too short to get her leg on the crumpled front bumper.

Michael joined her, so he could catch her if she fell, but he wasn’t stupid enough to help her. The FBI might decide to charge her with assault, and her lawyer, and best friend, was gone, in Mills’ hands.

Mills grimaced. “Fair enough. Look, I’ve got to go. But she’ll contact you. And she’ll be back soon. She’s already sent a friend to represent both of you, so don’t say anything to my colleagues until then, okay? Good job on contacting Wiz, but be careful. Don’t let down your guard. This thing goes deeper than any of you know.” He walked out of sight.

“Mills, get back here!” Deb pounded her fists on the SUV’s hood. “Mills!”

Michael wrapped his arms around her waist and put his cheek against her hair. Strawberries and sunshine, she sweetened and brightened his dark life. “Mills is in love with Sam. He’s not going to hurt her.”