Page 45 of Bitter Haven

"I'm sorry, Ryan. That sucks for you and for her." How awful. Ryan had feelings for Wiz, but she'd never be able to respond. Such a genuine tragedy.

"It sucks for Wiz, that's for sure. I'd like to help her more, but all I can do is listen or chat when she needs someone. Sometimes it's at zero three hundred, but that's okay." He ran his hand through his hair.

"You're awfully patient and selfless to do that."

"No, I'm not." Ryan turned a puzzled look on her. "It doesn't take much to jump on the computer and type, even if it is three in the morning. Even with only one hand."

"No, I meant... never mind, it's really not my business." It wasn't. She shouldn't get involved in someone else's relationship. She knew less than Ryan did.

Ryan stared at her, brow wrinkled. "No, what did you mean?"

Erin swallowed, uncomfortable. "I meant you obviously have feelings for her, so it sucks that she won't let you in."

Ryan snorted. "No, no, no. She's like a little sister or a best friend. I'd like to have dinner with her, but anything more? No." He waved, a negating gesture. "I knew Wiz because her husband was on the flight line, too. We all hung out on the weekends and did stuff together. I always thought he was an ass, and Wiz was way too good and smart for him, but she's really not my type at all."

"Oh. Sorry." Erin ignored the relief sweeping through her.

"No worries. Anyway, she's likely to be really paranoid out here, so be careful, okay?" Ryan definitely looked worried.

"Yeah. Of course. I'm amazed she's coming out at all." Erin shook her head in wonder.

"Yeah, I am too. I think it's because Wiz knows what it's like to be up against power when you're powerless."

Erin scowled at the road in front of her. "I can see why she might think that, but I'm really not powerless. If he comes after me, he's a dead man."

"Cust won't do his own dirty work, and if he does, it won't be alone. And he's got a ton of money and political power."

"That's all too true." Erin sighed. "Where are we starting?"


"Okay. Got to go there anyway. If there's something you want, add it to the cart; we'll sort it out later." She'd never show him the receipt. Ryan's help was worth more than she could pay.


They got to Costco, locked Ryan’s weapon in the truck since he didn’t have a concealed carry permit, and bought everything she needed. After five more stores and a late lunch, they headed back. When they returned to the shop, they checked the building and Ryan's apartment. He packed a bag, insisting she needed his help until Wiz got the alarms in. Erin was too tired to fight about it.

They drove to her house, cleared it, then unloaded everything and relaxed on the couch, watching TV. Ryan didn't ask her about removing the prosthetic; he popped it off. Which hopefully meant he was more comfortable with her.

Ryan texted with Wiz, asking Erin about places on the drive between Missoula and Seattle, some of which she really couldn't answer.


"Yeah?" Exhaustion weighed her soul.

"You got any fine gauge wire here?" He chuckled at something on his phone.

For the alarm system? "Maybe. I'm sure I've got some at the garage. Why?"

"Wiz suggested we set up some low-tech alarms." He gave her a half shrug and tiny smirk. "String wire on the trees outside your windows, with aluminum cans or something attached by more wire at the ends, so if someone trips over the wire, the cans make a racket and let you know something's out there."

"Huh. Good idea. Tell her thanks, please, and I'll go look."


Erin checked the garage in the house first. She found a roll of safety wire, which was fine enough to be invisible in the dark, and a bag of aluminum cans. Ryan helped her string lines at ten and twenty feet from her bedroom windows. They also fastened a line to the patio door on the inside, one to the front door, and one to the door to the garage.

She inspected their handiwork through the patio door and laughed. "I look totally paranoid."