Page 42 of Bitter Haven

"First, he tried flattery and slimy innuendo. When I kept going back to the contract instead of responding to his comments, he tried intimidation. When I made it clear that wasn't going to work, he tried to imply they'd win in court because they know all the judges. When I responded that you could file criminal charges, and that we would appeal any civil action to a higher court, and he could expect a certified letter specifying Cust is not welcome on your property, he made some lovely comments about women and stormed out."

"What a dummy."

"Yes, very unprofessional." Sam blew out her exasperation. "Look, I'm calling Peng. I'm telling him that he's got twenty-four hours to give you a delivery location, or you're dumping it in Chaz’s driveway. This has gone on long enough. I don't want to talk to that scumbag again."

"Thanks, Sam. I'd appreciate that. When I deliver the car, I will email a final invoice and return the remainder of the deposit. I'm not even going to charge him storage fees for these last couple of weeks; I just want it out of here."

"No, no, Erin, charge the fees. They may not be much in terms of money, but they need to see that you're a good businessperson and not a pushover." She laughed. "As a matter of fact, add in an hour of my time to the bill as a mediation fee. If I've got to talk to his sleazy lawyer, he's paying for it."

"That, I'll be happy to do. Thanks, Sam." She was so lucky to have such great friends.

"You're welcome. I'll let you know where and when, and, just for you, I'll talk to the sheriff's office about an escort."


"No problem. Bye." Sam hung up.

"Sleazy lawyer man trying to make trouble?" Ryan poured milk into a cup.

"Sam put him in his place." Erin smirked. "Sam is calling Peng and giving him twenty-four hours to give me a place to drop the 'Cuda. She's also sending the lawyer a certified letter informing him that Cust is not welcome on my property, with a copy to the sheriff."

"Good." Ryan scowled. "We don't need any excuse for Chaz to drop by."

"Yes, but now I've got to get that surveillance system in. And upgrade with my alarm company. It makes me more than a little nervous knowing you're living here. I don't want you getting hurt because that jerk tries to take out his frustrations on my business. Maybe you should move into my house for a while?"

Ryan's brows knit. "I'm not too worried about being here, especially while the 'Cuda is, but I am a little worried about you being alone back there. Do you have an alarm for your house?"

"No." More money she didn’t have.

"Maybe you should." He put another cup on a tray.

"Not sure what good it would do." If she was there, she’d hear someone breaking in. If she wasn’t, everything she owned was replaceable.

"If someone breaks in, you'll wake up. Maybe you should move to your upstairs bedroom at least. That way, you wouldn't be so vulnerable."

Erin nodded. "That's probably a good idea. I have to leave the windows open, or it's too hot to sleep, and being on the ground floor with a window open seems stupid right about now. Thanks."

He fussed with the cups. "Good. I'll take your bed."

"You will not!" She glared at him. "That is not going to happen, Ryan. I'm not letting you put yourself in harm's way. You're a barista, not a bodyguard. Maybe you should move back in with your mom for a few weeks."

"And leave you out here by yourself?" He glared. "Not gonna happen."

They stared at each other, neither one willing to give in. Erin turned away, trying to get her brain back in gear. Come on, Erin, think about this logically. Maybe she should look at the surveillance plan Wiz sent. Cups clinked; Ryan taking the tray of drinks to his customers. At the office computer, she pulled up her email and the schematics from Wiz. Okay, these were clear, and the installation didn't look difficult. Ryan returned to Izzy, cleaning the steaming wand.

"Ryan, did you look at the schematics?" She sent them to the printer.

"Not really. I just glanced at them." He shook his head once, with a frown.

"Wiz added a warning system on the driveway. Since my property is fenced, we can close the gate at night, and if someone opens it, an intrusion alarm will sound. And she's got another set of detectors set closer to the building, so if someone drives in, that alarm will go off as well. Of course, it will also go off if a deer walks between the detectors, but better safe than sorry."

"That's great, unless someone parks off the property, then sneaks along the fence until they get to your house." He tapped the filters out.

"I can email her a set of plans for my house, and she could do that one too, if she agrees." She’d happily pay the design fees.

"Good idea." Ryan nodded sharply. "But I'm still sleeping in your bed for the next couple of nights."

"No, you aren't." Erin glared at him. She could protect herself, and she didn’t want to put him at risk.