Page 93 of Co-Star

“We keep it private. For now, but not forever. I’ve never been in a relationship before so you’re going to have to have a lot of patience, because I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing. I’m relying on you to guide me.”

“I think you’re doing pretty good so far.”

Suddenly Tate wrapped his legs around me like an octopus, water splashing everywhere. I let out a loud squeak.

“Only pretty good?” he taunted.

“Well, the sex is amazing. And this, right here, is nice too.”

“Pretty good and nice?” he laughed and pinched my ass.

I squirmed but I had no desire to go anywhere, happily trapped in his arms.

“The best, all right? You and me? It’s the best.”

“Now that’s more like it.”



Sex is one thing.

Sleeping in the same bed with another person was a whole other matter.

And something that I’d never done with a lover. At least, not consciously. Maybe when I was in the grips of my coke addiction. But passing out after sex because I was high, and choosing to stay in bed with someone when I was sober, were two different things.

With Reed? There was no place else I wanted to be. In fact, you’d have to drag me out of this bed because spooning him tight to my body and listening to his gentle snores was so freaking perfect. It was everything I never knew I needed.

After our soak in the tub, we ate our snacks in bed, watching a movie. By the time the show ended, we were both yawning and unable to move.

I was adamant that we sleep together in the same bed, but I also worried that it might freak me out. But I should have known better.

I was so damn happy. And proud.

I wanted to take Reed by the hand and parade him around in front of everyone, every fucking camera, and shout out loud that this man right here was mine.

For someone who’d been hiding in the closet for years, it was a heady realization.

And when my alarm sounded at five the next morning, part of me still couldn’t believe what had happened.

I gently eased myself from Reed. When I stretched, I felt the aches in my body, especially my knees.

Oh yeah, this was real.

“Morning,” Reed murmured as he turned over.

A lock of his blond hair fell over his forehead, and I gently brushed it back.

“Morning,” I replied and kissed his pouty lips. “Time to get up. We have to be on set in an hour.”

“Fuck that. I hate early wake ups,” Reed grumbled, eyes still closed, and I couldn’t help but smile at his grumpy tone.

“Me too. But you need to get your fine butt outta this bed.”

“What are you going do if I don’t?” Reed asked, blinking away his sleep.

“I’m going to use up all the hot water in the shower.”