Page 121 of Co-Star

Thankfully, my urge to get high had subsided.

Would there ever come a time when I didn’t want a hit? I hoped so, but I was a realist. I knew the nature of addiction. It feeds off trauma, and because of that, I’d always be susceptible.

I was more concerned about it now, being back in LA.

Under the glare of the spotlight again.

Being in the UK was different. We weren’t on showcase there.

And being active in LA meant parties and such, and the temptation was always there.

For both me and Reed.

“Are we dropping Reed off first and then you or the other way around?” Korry asked, interrupting my musings.

I was grateful to have Korry on contract. He’d gotten us through LAX faster than usual, blocking aggressive paps along the way.

I was missing England already.

“Um, Reed’s place. If that’s okay with you?” I glanced at him.

I didn’t have any of my stuff at Reed’s anymore. Except Cary, since he and Grant were being taken care of by Reed’s housekeeper.

The truth was, I wanted to go back to Reed’s and stay there. Forever.

Would he want me to live with him now that we were together, or would he prefer going back to our separate spaces?

“I think it’s only right that you to stay,” Reed gazed at me. “Think about Cary and Grant.”

Reed was worried about our cats?

Then I noticed the glint in his eye, which told me I was being an idiot.

Jet lag will do that to you.

“Oh yes, Cary and Grant. It wouldn’t be right to separate them,” I whispered back. “They love each other too much.”

“That’s right,” Reed leaned in close, smiling at me. “Now that they’re living together, they’re happier than ever.”

“They are,” I leaned over and kissed him.

“Please, you two, you’re making the single guy feel like shite,” Korry quipped from the front seat.

I continued kissing Reed and offered Korry a response via my favorite finger.

“This better be a short gig,” the bodyguard grumbled.

Reed kissed me one last time and leaned back. “I’m sorry, Kor. But Tate is irresistible. I can’t help it.”

Korry groaned. “God, please tell me the guest room I’m staying in is far, far away from yours.”

“On the other side of the house,” I offered.

“Speaking of which, this neighborhood is gorgeous,” Korry stated as he drove up to Reed’s security gate. “And all the sunshine. Feck, between this and my upcoming trip to Florida, I don’t know how I’m gonna go back to living in Ireland.”

“Trust me, after a few weeks in LA, you’ll be ready to go back to the dampness and the clouds. The sun is the only good thing about living here. Everything else is so goddamn fake.”

Reed coughed.