Page 71 of Co-Star

I responded to his joke with nothing but a filthy chuckle.

Once we disembarked and went through the boring-ass process that was customs, our assistant got our luggage sorted.

The plan was to head straight to the hotel, have a snack, sleep for a few hours, then meet up with Jared and his fiancés, Alex and Aiden, in the evening for dinner.

That’s right. I said fiancés, as in two of them. I couldn’t imagine dealing with one boyfriend, let alone two.

Then again, Jared was an expert at managing a cast of characters. I guess his personal life wasn’t any different.

As we headed for our car, I didn’t notice any paps following us, but I was prepared.

The project was still under wraps as far as the press was concerned, but any day now, someone would leak something. Intentional or not, it was the Hollywood way. Money so easily talks.

It took us just over an hour to get to our hotel, and then me and Reed headed our separate ways. Or rather, to separate rooms on the same penthouse floor.

I was out to the world as soon as my body hit the mattress and woke up five hours later to a growling stomach and a dry mouth.

It was nearing seven and we were meeting up with Jared at eight.

After a quick shower, a shave, and a much-needed sandwich courtesy of room service, I headed down the hallway to knock on Reed’s door.

Instead of being dressed, he was still in his bathrobe.

“Cute but too casual for dinner,” I teased as I leaned against the doorframe.

“Haha. I woke up five minutes ago. I slept through my freaking alarm,” he grumbled and waved me in. “And I don’t know what to wear.”

I followed him down the hallway to his bedroom.

“Seriously? We’re gonna be late because of that? Just pick something. You’re beautiful no matter what you wear.”

Reed tripped and nearly did a header down the hallway. I caught his arm before he had a chance to faceplant.

“You okay?” I asked. He didn’t say anything, just nodded and pulled his arm away. “Wear something like you had on the plane. Jeans and a sweater. It’s dinner with Jared and his partners, not His Majesty the King.”

I sat down on Reed’s bed and watched him saunter over to the closet. The white robe began to slip off one shoulder. Then I imagined him taking the whole thing off. Slowly.

And just like that, my cock began to throb like a motherfucker.

I quickly glanced behind me and grabbed one of his pillows, placing it over my lap.

Leaning forward, I tried to feign boredom, but when Reed turned around, he raised one eyebrow.

“Stealing one of my pillows? Aren’t there enough in your room?”

“Yours are softer,” I lifted the pillow to my face. “And they smell like vanilla. Like you.”

Reed’s eyes flashed with something I could have sworn was heat, but maybe that was wishful thinking on my part?

“Don’t fall asleep,” he commanded. “I’ll be ready in five.”

Reed grabbed several items from his closet and walked into the bathroom.

I fell back on his bed with a groan.

“What the fuck are you doing, Tate?” I asked myself out loud.

A sudden vision of Reed lying naked on top of me was so fucking hot, and that didn’t help my poor dick at all.