Page 70 of Co-Star

But our friendship meant more to me than screwing and I was never ready for a relationship. And I wasn’t sure he was ready for me either.

Or at least, that’s the excuse I always used.

I wasn’t out, and I hadn’t fully accepted myself.

Now, though, things were different.

I’d talked to Henn, and we’d made a plan. When I was back from filming, but before the movie was released, it was gonna happen. I was going to come out.

My personal life was going to take center stage.

And fuck, all the reasons why I’d held back from Reed were disappearing, one by one.

And as those roadblocks crumbled down around me, the only thing I could see was him.

I had no desire to fuck anyone else. Even after I’d moved back to my house. And Reed never talked about anyone either. Not lately. I didn’t see him go out with other guys and he didn’t mention hooking up with anyone.

I’d often pop over to his place for breakfast, unannounced. There were no visitors coming or going.

So, we were friends again. Maybe more than before? But less than I wanted.

And my want for him was getting so intense it was all I could think about.

But what if we crossed that line and sex fucked everything up? I don’t think I could survive another breakup.

“You’re freaking out, aren’t you? Am I going to have to haul your ass off the plane?”

I looked up at the sound of Reed’s voice to find him standing in the aisle with his carry-on bag in hand, sunglasses already in place.

“I’m not panicking. I was just thinking,” I replied. “Stop with the doomsday shit, already.”

I slid my wayfarers down off my head to hide my eyes. I’m pretty sure if I looked at Reed now, he’d know right quick that I was not panicking about the movie, but about him.

Fuck, if only he knew how much I wanted to do dirty, dirty things with him.

Like joining the mile high club.

Reed scoffed. “Don’t bullshit me. I can read you better than anyone.”

I grabbed my backpack and turned to face him, leaning in close, until my cheek touched his. “Really? And what am I thinking now?”

I heard his sharp inhale as my lips brushed his ear.

When I leaned back, I gave him my trademark smirk.

I couldn’t see Reed’s eyes, but I’d bet anything they were rolling.

“Move your ass, movie star,” he replied, shaking his head.

“You’re always fixated on my butt,” I quipped as we made our way down the aisle to the exit. “Any particular reason?”

To be fair, he wasn’t the only one who had ass on the brain. Christ, the way his tight, round cheeks filled out those jeans? Fuck me.

“I could say the same for you.” He turned and lowered his sunglasses. “Gotcha.”

I shoved his shoulder playfully. “You got nothin’. Keep walking. I need my hotel room and a full English.”

“You better be talking about breakfast.”