Page 68 of Co-Star

Dylan winked at me.

Max’s brown eyes rolled, and he adjusted his glasses.

“Come on in, dinner’s ready. Tate’s just getting changed.”

I ushered them inside and guided them to the living room.

“He’s still living here with you?” Max asked.

“For now. I’m sure in a week or two he’ll be back at his house.”

I didn’t even want to think about that. How quiet and lonely my house would be without Tate’s presence.

It was eight years ago all over again.

“How’re you doing, Reed?” Dylan asked. “You look healthy but are you coping all right?”

“I’m much better, thanks. Sometimes the grief hits me hard and the urge to drink follows. But every day, I feel a bit better. I’m proud to say that I’m still sober. I’ve had amazing support.”

Speaking of which…

“Dylan, Max, so great to see you again!” Tate walked up to the couple and gave them hugs in turn.

Which was another new thing I’d noticed. Tate wasn’t a hugger by nature.

Except with me.

But lately, with our inner circle, he’d been different, affectionate.

This sweet side to him only made my feelings that much more intense.

And troublesome.

“What would you guys like to drink?” I asked. “We’ve got iced tea, sparkling water, and all kinds of fruit juices. Sorry Max, we’re a dry household.”

“Tea would be great.” Max nodded. “And no worries, I’ve cut out alcohol for good.”

“I told him he didn’t have to because of me—” Dylan started.

“And I told you, I don’t miss it. I sleep better and I feel better. End of discussion.”

Max leaned over and kissed Dylan. The smile they shared with each other said everything.

“Where’s Cary and Grant?” Dylan asked.

“Probably hiding in my bedroom.”

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, guess who sauntered into the room. Both cats hopped up on the couch and made themselves at home with our guests.

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed the pitcher of iced tea, and a bottle of chilled water, and Tate brought over the tray of glasses.

“Reed and I were just talking about how excited we are to film this movie,” Tate commented as he poured several glasses of tea. “But I did have a question for you, Dylan.”


“How come you didn’t want to play a lead role? Or any role, for that matter? Especially given that you had a direct hand in writing the script.”

Dylan smiled at him. “Timing. I’ve got other priorities right now so I’m leaving the acting in your capable hands.”