Page 55 of Co-Star

“They’re not having a wake. The viewing will take place at the funeral home, just prior to the service.”

“Shit, I forgot about sending flowers.”

“Already taken care of.”

“Are you sure me being here is a good idea? I mean, Reed’s going to be upset enough as it is. I don’t want to make it worse.”

Henn pinned me with her blue eyes. “Good or bad, you’ve been a part of his life for a decade, Tate. Put your ego aside for one day and think about him. If you were in his position, would you want him here?”

Of course, I would.

There was no question.

Two hours later, we pulled up to a massive estate that turned out to be the funeral home.

My eyes couldn’t get used to the lush greenery. LA was always so dry and dusty.

We stepped out of the car to be greeted warmly by the manager.

He guided us quickly inside. The place was already packed with people and the heady fragrance of roses. Everywhere I looked, there were displays of pink flowers.

Immediately, my eyes locked on Reed standing at the other end of the room, next to his mother’s casket.

I jolted at the paleness of his face, the look of utter devastation.

Then I noticed his sister, who could’ve been his twin. She was standing beside a man I assumed was her husband. Reed had mentioned them a lot, always lovingly. I thought back to that one time I’d spoken with her. Not many people made me laugh but, much like her brother, Rissa had managed the impossible.

Instead of waiting, I worked my way through the crowd of people.

The moment Reed turned his head and locked eyes with mine, I knew I’d done the right thing.

“Tay,” Reed whispered as fresh tears welled up and spilled down his cheeks.

I didn’t say anything.

Instead, I reached for him. We hugged tightly, so tight I was sure I was going to have bruises the next day.

Not caring who was watching or what was going on around us, I finally pulled back and cupped his lean face in my hands. His normally sparkling green eyes were bloodshot and swollen from crying.

“I am so, so sorry, Reed.”

Reed bit his bottom lip and nodded, and I wiped his tears away with my thumbs. I had no idea what prompted me to do that, since I wasn’t one for showing affection. Or affectionate gestures in general.

Reed took a deep, shaky breath and stepped back, and I dropped my hands to my sides.

“This is my sister, Rissa, and her husband Darren,” Reed started. “This is?—”

“Of course, I know who this is. I wish we’d met under other circumstances, Tate, but thank you for coming.”

Rissa offered her hand to me. When I shook it, she gripped mine in both of hers.

“I can’t remember if you and Reed are friends again or still fighting, but our family appreciates you being here.”

Given our surroundings, I bit back a grin at her bold statement.

“Reed and I are at odds, but rest assured, it’s entirely my fault,” I admitted as I looked at Reed. “Maybe one of these days, I’ll get it right.”