Page 45 of Co-Star

“Can’t we just?—"

Reed ripped off his protective gown and stormed out of the dressing room before I could finish my sentence.

“Don’t mind us,” I murmured to the make up artists. They just rolled their eyes.

No doubt they’d be repeating everything they heard the second I was done.

Once my makeup was finished, I wandered back out to find Reed in deep discussion with Jared. My former friend better not be trying to convince the director to kick me off this movie or so help me…

Instead of patiently waiting my turn, I walked right up to them.

“—I can’t do this, Jared. There’s too much?—”

“What’s going on?” I interrupted.

Jared glanced at me with weary hazel eyes, then back at Reed.

“Look, I don’t know what happened between you two and I don’t need to know,” Jared replied calmly. “But I was an actor once too, and I know about working closely with people you don’t get along with. It’s not easy, but I’m sure you’ve faced it before. Haven’t you?”

Reed nodded. “Yeah.”

“Yes,” I muttered.

Yes and no.

I’d never had to work with someone I once considered my closest friend. The man that I compared against all other men. Reed could barely look at me now and when he did, there was nothing there but disgust. It made me feel even lower than I already did.

It made me want to crawl back into my trailer and never come out.

“Let’s get on with it, then. The sooner we’re done, the sooner you guys can go your separate ways. Although, you really should consider talking this thing out. I’ve never seen either of you so angry before and it’s not healthy,” Jared sighed. “There. That’s my intervention for the day.”

Jared walked off and left Reed and I alone again.

“I don’t know if I can do this,” Reed whispered.

“The role?”

“No, for Christ’s sake, this!”

He pointed between the two of us.

“I’m clean now, Ree. And in therapy. I swear this time is different.”

Reed bit his lower lip and shook his head. “That may be true and if it is, I’m glad for you. But it doesn’t change things between us. I just… I can’t go back.”

“Is this,” I paused and looked around to make sure no one was overhearing us. “Is this because I’m not out?”

Reed eyes flashed. “I’ve said it time and again, I would never pressure anyone to do that. Ever. And are you really that clueless?”

“What? What else is there?”

“Don’t you remember our last conversation? What you said to me?”

“I was high on cocaine, so no, I don’t!”

Reed angry expression turned to resignation. “Then it doesn’t matter. It’s not relevant anymore anyway.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about!” I roared.