Page 43 of Co-Star

Jared sighed and held up his hands. “Okay, everyone, places! Let’s get this scene wrapped up!”

Thankfully, Reed and I were playing enemies. Two lawyers who were once again on opposing sides. It made for interesting banter and tension. And given our status, it hardly felt like acting at all, at least, for most of the scenes. This was one was more emotional, though, with my character finally opening up to Reed’s.

And Reed wasn’t totally off the mark. The heavy scenes in acting were often cathartic, but painfully real. Sometimes, hitting too close to home.

Then I realized that if I didn’t bring my A-game to this role, despite my feelings for Reed, I’d only be screwing myself over.

I’d finally started to understand, through therapy, that it was better to lance that poison than to let it fester. And if emotion was needed, emotion was what they were going to get.

I got into place and Reed stepped forward, until we were almost nose to nose.

I was used to the intensity of the set lights and the fact that there were dozens of pairs of eyes on me.

But I was not prepared for the intensity of Reed and this new dynamic between us.

Once, his eyes were the only peace I knew.

And now, there was so much turbulence there, it made me want to look away.

“I didn’t call you down here to my office to rehash old cases, Nik. I called you down here because I have a problem on the current one.”

At least I remembered my lines…

“I shouldn’t even be talking to you!” Reed shook his head.

No shit. Then I remembered, this was Nik, the character, not Reed.

“Then I’ll make this as quick as possible. Someone is trying to blackmail me. And I think it’s someone on the jury.”


I looked over at the desk to my right and pointed at the envelope. “I received that today. Open it.”

“You trust me with your secrets?” he scoffed.

Holy fucking hell, talk about art imitating life.

“Just open it.”

He walked over to the desk and opened the envelope. Out fell a picture along with a note.

“That’s you and me standing outside my condo building,” he replied and shrugged. “Big deal. I live near the courthouse. We were just having a discussion about the case. We’ve only spoken at designated meetings in preparation for the trial or at trial.”

“I know that! But nothing in that picture can confirm that. It doesn’t look good. And read the note.”

“If you paid more attention to your client, and not the opposing counsel, you’d have won the case by now. Is that why you went easy on the prosecutor’s witness? Your cross-examination needs work. Take a plea deal or this picture, and more, will be released.”

“More? What the fuck is this person talking about?”

“I have no fucking idea, but I don’t want to find out. This is serious, Nik. I won’t let my client take the fall for something he didn’t do.”

“So you say.”

“Jesus Christ, this picture is not just about me. Your life will be fucked too if there’s any hint of impropriety!”

“Alert the judge. You’ll need to step aside.”

“Me? You should recuse yourself as well. It’s both of us in that picture, my friend.”