Page 42 of Co-Star

Unfortunately, Tate refused to talk to me.

It turned out to be too little, too late.




“Will you tell Mr. Larkin that I don’t need or appreciate his advice when it comes to this scene? I know what I’m fucking doing!” I yelled.

Of all the actors I had to work with, it had to be my best friend.

Former, I reminded myself. Not friends and not best.

Not anymore.

Yes, I had fumbled again last year and succumbed to my addiction.

But this time, Reed walked out of my life. For good. Just wrote me off.

Like I wasn’t worth anything.

Confusion and hurt turned to anger. Mostly at myself, but Reed was an easier target.

And that’s where I stayed.

I was an asshole on the best of days, so my temper was nothing new to the crew.

And my anger grew as I stared at Reed and the smug look on his handsome face.

“And will you tell Tater here that he’s not fooling anyone,” Reed sneered. “This scene requires real emotion, something he knows very little about. Maybe his stunt double would be better off in his place?”

“Why you fucking ass?—”

I lunged for Reed but the production assistant, Hugh, and our director, Jared, got in between us.

“Don’t touch me Tate, or my lawyer will have you replaced faster than you can snort your next line of coke,” Reed snapped.

“I’m clean now! Screw you!” I shouted back.

“Stop it,” Jared interrupted. “Both of you.”

Jared didn’t yell back, but the warning in his voice silenced both me and Reed.

I managed to calm myself and stepped back.

“Listen to me and listen good, we are a week behind schedule,” Jared continued. “And I want to get this sequel finished as much as you do, probably more so I don’t have to listen to your incessant bickering. Save your critiques of each other for after hours. Do your job and do it well. You know the acting world. Word travels fast and if you’re difficult, work will be difficult to find.”

Thinking about that, I kept my mouth shut.

I was already dealing with naysayers thanks to my last stint in rehab. I didn’t need this on top of everything else. After all, my work was the only thing that kept me going.

“It’s fine. I’m good,” Reed announced and ran a hand through his hair. “I’m a professional.”

Jared looked at me with a question in his eyes. “Tate?”

I nodded. “I’m here to work. Let’s get on with it.”