He grins back, then looks at his watch. “All right. You better go in. You don’t want to keep your new boss waiting.”

“No,” I say, breathing an excited sigh.

Mrs. Bellagamba was a woman of about fifty, with very little makeup on her face and an air of refined elegance about her. We spoke entirely in her native tongue, and she appeared delighted that I picked up her inflections with no issue. She gave me a tour of the gallery, showing me the rooms that displayed the pieces, as well as all the out-of-the-way rooms where they kept the art that needed attention.

She spoke a mile a minute, and I just listened carefully, trying to take it all in. She apologized several times, smiling kindly and telling me that I did not need to worry. When I began the job, if I had any questions, I was not to hesitate to ask her anything. By the time the paperwork was signed, I had been there for half an hour. I worried that Finn had been kept waiting, but I suppose he knew what he was in for when he offered to bring me.

When I bid her farewell, Mrs. Bellagamba kisses me on both cheeks and smiles broadly. She then tells me now that she has met me, she cannot wait for me to start. When I finally leave the gallery, I feel a sense of relief, and there’s a spring in my step.

“You look a lot less stressed now, than when you arrived,” Finn says when I climb back into the truck.

“Oh, Finn. She is such a lovely woman. I’ve spoken to her a few times on the phone, but it’s not the same as meeting someone, is it?”

Finn shakes his head with a smile.

“Ahh,” I sigh with utter delight.

“Well. After all that excitement, I think we need a treat,” Finn says. He’s not looking at me now. He’s too busy trying to get out onto the busy street.

“A treat?” I say.

“Yes. Definitely. And I know just the place.”