In the middle of the tent are more tables, only these are empty. There are chairs of every shape and size beside them. It looks like a bunch of Ikea employees had a meltdown and mismatched everything.

Everyone is busy doing something, and yet, as chaotic as it looks, it’s entirely organized. I suppose if they’ve been doing this for decades, that’s not really any surprise.

“We’re going to find Bree,” Sylvie announces to her parents, as she slips her arm into mine. “We’ll see you later.”

We wave a farewell to Martha and Danny, and Sylvie leads me away. A stunningly beautiful redheaded woman is not difficult to find in such a small crowd, and we spot Bree in minutes. After hugs and greetings, we head over to a small stall and Sylvie gets me a beer.

Now, I’ll be honest. I don’t really like beer. Nor am I someone who drinks a lot. Maybe it’s Mum’s religiousness rubbing off on me, or maybe it’s just the fact that I haven’t really been exposed to it. In either case, the drinking scene never appealed to me, even when I attended uni. I’d prefer a cup of tea. It’s not a British thing, it’s just me. But as I scan the area, I can’t see anywhere where I might get one, so I say nothing and take the cold beverage Sylvie hands me.

“Have you found any decent accommodation yet?” Bree asks me.

We discussed my housing situation the day we had lunch. My new job is situated in Albany, which is about an hour’s drive from Sharon Springs. Sylvie has helped with the websites I need to look at to find a place to rent, but the thing that has surprised me the most, is how expensive everything is.

“I’ve seen a few,” I say, “but they’re all pretty pricey. I suppose with Albany being such a large city, it’s only to be expected. I have savings, but I need to be careful with what I spend because I still have to live as well.”

I’ve always saved. From the very first week of my first job when I was fifteen years old, I started putting money into a savings account. At the time, I couldn’t have imagined I would end up here, in the States. But I’m so glad I started when I did. It’s made this move all the more possible.

“I don’t know what the prices are like in London,” Bree Says, “but rent here is pretty high. And you’re right. You definitely pay more in the cities. Would you not consider looking a little further out? Do you drive?”

“I can drive. I mean, I have my license. The idea of driving on the other side of the road scares me to death, but I’m going to have to do it sooner or later.”

Bree smiles widely. “I think you’ll be fine. In fact, I…” Bree trails off and is looking past me and Sylvie, like something has caught her attention. We both turn to see what she’s looking at, and then immediately, Sylvie cries out. “Nick!”

A tall, good-looking guy, who clearly came up behind me and Sylvie, is standing there. At Sylvie’s delighted greeting, he smiles broadly. His face is long, with a defined jaw-line and full lips. His skin is tanned, and he has dark floppy hair that sits at his collar. Now looming over us, he’s broad and athletic looking.

Sylvie continues. “Oh, I’m so glad you stayed for the festival, Nick. I was really sorry to hear about your aunt.”

Nick’s smile fades and he shrugs. “She was ill for quite some time, Sylvie. We kind of knew it was coming.”

“Still,” Sylvie says in a sympathetic tone. She then turns back to me and Bree. “This is Nick Fenton. He used to live here in Sharon Springs.”

“Hi,” we say at the same time.

“Nick, this is Bree. She moved into Sharon Springs about a year ago. You remember Jackson, right? Weren’t you guys in the same year at school?”

Nick nods. “I remember Jackson.”

“Well, Bree and Jackson are engaged. They’re getting married in a few weeks.”

“Congratulations,” Nick says with a smile.

“And this is Emma. She’s my friend from London. She’s staying with us for a while.”

“Hello,” I say.

Nick beams a wide smile. “Hi. Wow. London. You’re quite far from home.”

“Yes,” I reply, “so people keep telling me.”

“Your accent is so cool,” he gushes. “I love the British accent.”


“So, are you over here for long?” Nick asks again.

“I’m actually staying,” I reply.

“Emma bagged a great job in Albany,” Sylvie adds. “She’s staying with us until all the details are finalized.”