
When Bree disappears into the house, there’s a stunned silence, and everyone is looking at me.

“I need to go and speak to her,” I say, about to bolt up the porch steps.

It’s Sylvie who stands in my way. “Not until you tell us what the heck just happened? What is Emma talking about? What didn’t you tell her?”

“Now is not the time, Sylvie,” I retort with more than a little frustration.

“Actually,” Dad cuts in as he walks across the lawn, “I think now is the perfect time. That young woman has suffered enough. What happened, Finn?”

I heave a sigh, realizing that I have no choice but to confess my wrongdoing. It’s humiliating, but I have to do it. Nobody speaks as I relay what I know of Nick Fenton, and how I chose not to tell Emma what kind of man he has always been. I tell them that I thought I was doing the right thing, at the beginning. I then tell them that after what happened on Friday night, I realized I had made a colossal mistake.

“The truth is, I was too afraid of her reaction. I knew that if I told her after the fact, she would know that I had known all along. The other truth is, that I have grown quite fond of Emma, and I didn’t want her thinking bad of me. So, in the end, I took the cowards way out and said nothing at all.”

Another long silence ensues. A silence that brings with it a heavy tension. As it grows and nearly swallows me whole, I can hardly stand it any longer.

“For god’s sake. Someone say something.”

For another moment, no one speaks, and then Dad steps forward. “Quite fond of her, huh?” He lifts his eyebrows. “Who are you kidding?” He’s grinning when he places his strong hand on my shoulder. “You’ve had the hots for her since she got here.”

While his comment breaks the tension, it does little to ease my pained soul, and while he pats my back consolingly, a movement starts in the group.

“I think we should go,” Bree suggests, looking over at Jackson.

“Really?” Sylvie cries.

Bree looks at Sylvie sadly. “I’m sorry, Sylvie. You went to such an effort, and we are truly grateful for all you’ve done. But I think Emma needs you tonight.”

Sylvie nods. She knows Bree is right. “Yes. I know.”

I turn to Jackson, who has been standing by my side the entire time. “I know you’re up to your eyes in wedding prep, but would it be all right if I stay at your dad’s place for a few days? Just until the wedding. After that, I’m going to head back to Washington.”

Jackson doesn’t hesitate. “Sure. You know, Dad has loads of room.”

“Finn?” Sylvie says, her eyes wide with surprise.

“It’s for the best, Sylvie. I’ve done enough damage. Emma won’t want to see me. Besides, you’ll have a better chance of convincing her not to go back to England if I’m not here.”

When we arrive at Ben’s house, Ben is all smiles, until he notices the solemn expressions of us all. “What’s going on?”

The idea of having to explain this all again, pains me to the core, but I’m saved by Jackson stepping in. “It’s been a long night, Dad. We’ll tell you about it in the morning. Finn’s going to stay here for a few days. Is that all right?”

“Of course.” While Ben does not appear fazed at having a houseguest, I can see the curiosity in the furrow of his brow.

“Thanks, Ben.’

Jackson shows me to a guest bedroom, and I throw the swiftly packed bag I grabbed from the house onto the bed. “Jesus!”

“This will blow over, man. You’ll see,” Jackson says.

I turn and look at him, and then I shake my head. “I don’t think it will. She’s not like you and me, Jackson. She’s shy and innocent. She’s hardly experienced life. Most people could’ve handled what happened last week with Nick. For Emma, it was terrifying. While she’s a grown woman, she’s childlike in some ways. It’s one of the reasons I…” I trail off.

“You love her,” Jackson finishes. “It’s one of the reasons you love her.”

I nod. “Yes.”