“DOYOUREALLY think this is a good idea?” Tom asked Gemma as she finished putting out the rest of the food for the party. “Your brother’s engagement party is tonight. I don’t know if this is a great time to drop this on him.”
Gemma turned to him. The minute he’d arrived, she’d forgotten about all her doubts from the day before. She was in love with Tom, and even though she wasn’t sure how he felt about it, she saw her future whenever she looked at him. “I feel like there’s no better place to tell them about us. If I love you, they’ll learn to love you.”
“You have more faith in that than I do.”
“Well, I’m hosting the party, and you’re my guest. If he doesn’t like it, it’s too bad.” She saw Reid’s car pull into the driveway. Reid and Lila exited, and Quin’s car pulled up next. Quin, Celia and her dad, who’d come back to town for the party, got out. “There they are. Go wait in the living room until I’m ready.”
“So I can jump out and yell, ‘Surprise’?”
She rolled her eyes. “Come on, let’s do it.”
She went to the door and greeted her family. She’d asked them to come early, before the rest of the guests, so she and Tom could tell them about their relationship. She hugged and kissed each of them, inviting them in.
“Thanks for coming a little earlier, guys,” she told them. “I’ve got something to tell you.”
“What’s going on?” Reid asked her. He looked concerned.
Her heart pounded. Lila, Celia and her father already knew her secret, but she was terrified of telling her brothers. She didn’t want to disappoint them. “Well, I wanted to gather you all here first to tell you that I’ve been seeing somebody.”
“Really?” Quin asked.
“Is he here? Where is he?” Reid asked, looking around.
While it might have seemed like she was talking to the group, her words were directed at Reid and Quin. Gemma’s eyes slid over to Tom’s as he waited against the wall, out of view of her family. He nodded, encouraging her, letting her know that he was with her. She carried on. “Yeah, and I want you to know it’s going really well. I’m so in love with this guy. And it’s someone you know.”
Reid smiled. “Really? That’s awesome, Gem. Who is it?”
She took a deep breath before waving for Tom to join her. “You remember Tom, right?”
The smiles dropped from both Reid and Quin’s faces. Reid took a step closer. “What? What the fuck is he doing here?” he asked, pointing at Tom.
Lila stepped in front of Reid. “I invited him,” she told him. “I thought this would be a good time for you to find out.”
He turned to Lila. “You knew about this? And you didn’t tell me?”
“Don’t get mad at her, Reid,” Gemma interjected. “Talk to me.”
“Fine. How could you do this, Gemma?”
“And with him?” Quin asked her. “How could you be so stupid?”
“Hey!” Tom said, stepping in front of her, taking on Quin. “Don’t call her that.”
The room erupted into loud voices, each trying to be heard over the next, and Gemma couldn’t stand seeing all her favorite people fighting. “Stop!” she shouted. “Everyone shut up!”
The room fell silent. How she thought this could ever be a good idea, she didn’t know. “I’m sorry,” she said, realizing that she’d probably ruined what should be a happy family event.
“You know what,” Tom said, stepping forward. “I’m going to leave.”
“Good idea,” Reid said, which earned him Gemma’s glare.
As he turned toward the door, she grabbed his arm. “Tom, wait. I don’t want you to go.”
“Let him go, Gem,” Quin called after her.
“I’ll go to a hotel. Just call me later, okay?”