Page 57 of As You Crave It


THENEXTDAY, Quin sat in his Range Rover outside of Seacoast Prestige. He’d been waiting for Jared to leave the office. He had only had to wait an hour for him—because why wouldn’t he leave the office at 2:00 p.m. after a “long” morning at work? When Jared got in his car, Quin sprang into action. He drove in the middle of his path, blocking his attempt to leave the parking lot.

Jared got out of his car and when he saw Quin, he stomped over to him. “Rexford, what the hell are you doing? I hope you’re here with a couple cases of free rum for me.”

“Not a fucking chance,” Quin said. “You’re lucky I don’t punch you in the goddamn face right now.”

“Then I guess you can check the internet tomorrow for two of your very own sex tapes. Enjoy being a star.”

“I’m not afraid of you. And I have a feeling you won’t upload that video.”

“No? Then I guess you don’t know much about me. I don’t back down.”

“And neither do I.”

“What about Celia?” Jared asked, his tone mocking. “She’ll be hurt by it just as much. Is that her opinion, too? That she isn’t afraid of me?”

“I wouldn’t worry so much about Celia. But I think she’s still inside. Why we don’t talk to her and see how she feels?”

Celia was sitting in Jared’s office chair when he and Quin walked in. His assistant had taken her lunch break and Celia went on inside.

“What are you doing in my office?”

“You don’t remember me, do you?”

He blanked. “You’re Celia. You work for me.”

“Around seven years ago? New York? You showed up in my office and wanted me to suck your dick.” He shook his head—there were no sign of recognition on his face. “Holy fuck,” she muttered. “How many times have you done that, that such a pivotal moment in my development doesn’t even stick in your memory. I’m the one who went to HR. Reported you, even though it meant me losing my job.”

He finally recognized her. “Celia, yes, of course.” His face turned bitter. “You could have ruined me.”

“It’s a pity I didn’t then.”

He looked at her more closely. “I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you. You changed your hair, right?”

“Yeah, and that was literally all it took for me to disguise my identity. You never were too observant. Too busy looking at my ass to see my face, I guess.”

“You might be right, Celia. It’s a nice ass. But I’m sure Rexford has gotten you up to speed here, right? If you don’t stay away from him, I’ll be releasing this tape.”

Celia knew he wouldn’t get the chance. The hammer was about to drop on him. “I don’t think you will.”

Jared laughed. “That’s what Quin said, too. But if you think anyone’s going to take you seriously with that video out there. You think you’ll find another job?”

“She’s already got one,” Quin said. “She’s going to come work for Rexford Rum.”

“Oh, is that right?”


Celia’s eyes found Quin’s. He was bluffing, of course. She hadn’t agreed to working for the distillery. However, she was grateful for his presence at that moment. She was terrified that this would backfire, and Jared would destroy her professionally and personally, but she pulled strength from him.

She held up a flash drive. “Do you have any idea what’s on this?” He shook his head. He still didn’t see the seriousness of what was to come. And that satisfied Celia. Soon, he’d see the trouble he was in. “Since I started working here, I’ve recorded our conversations. Every one of them. Hours of innuendo, threats, sexual propositions—it’s all there.”

“Not a chance.” He shook his head and made a dive for the flash drive in her hand. But Quin stood between them, blocking him. “You don’t think I’m stupid enough that this would be the only copy, right?”

Quin held up his phone and played one particular damning piece of audio. “You and I could have a little fun...”

“That’s all you got?” he asked.