Page 39 of As You Crave It

“What are you doing now?” Reid asked.

“I code,” she told him. “I’m working for Seacoast Prestige now.”

Reid caught Quin’s eyes. “Is that right? And how do you like it?”

“It’s fulfilling,” she said. Quin knew she was speaking carefully. She hated Jared as much as he did. “I like the work.”

“I’m sure you know that we’re in the middle of negotiations with them right now,” Reid said.

“Yes. Quin did tell me during the St. Martin trip.”

“You were in St. Martin, too?” Gemma asked, smiling, her eyes wide.

“Mr. Foster asked me to come along. Not sure why—there wasn’t exactly much coding to do in the middle of the Caribbean. But I was grateful for the chance to spend a few days on a luxury yacht.”

Quin wasn’t sure why Celia was lying to them about what she thought about Jared.

“Quin never told us you were there, too.”

“It was quite a happy coincidence,” Quin affirmed. “We were both pretty surprised.” The server took that moment to get their orders. Quin opted for the shrimp in coconut milk—one of his favorites. Waiting for the others to order, he smiled. The evening might not have turned out the way he wanted, but hanging out with Celia, and enjoying the company of Reid and Gemma—it felt like old times.