Could things get any worse?
Biting the inside of my cheek, I told myself to shut up. There were always worse things that could happen even if the world feels like it’s falling down around me.
“Hi, Mrs. Romero. Isabel and Pedro sent me to meet you at the airport. Sounds like you need some help to get off the plane.”
The guards in New York had been so cold and demanding as if they were the ones in charge. His kindness catches me off guard and I feel the tears well up in my eyes. I don’t want to show any weakness, except the emotional toll I’ve taken the last few days is almost too much.
“Yes, please. The used a wheelchair to bring me to the airport.”
“Nonsense. Pedro would have my ass if I didn’t treat you better than that. If you don’t mind, I can just carry you to the car.”
I want to protest. To say I can do it myself, even though I know I can’t. A voice in the back of my head reminds me to be accepting of their help. Mr. and Mrs. Acosta do not have to accommodate me, yet here they are, sending guards to pick me up. And the man is doing his best to make me feel comfortable in a place that I don’t know.
“That’s fine.”
“I’m Miguel by the way. Pedro assigned me to lead your security team while you’re here.”
I undo the belt and let him lift me from the chair. He picks me up as if I weigh absolutely nothing. “Did you say security team?”
“Yep,” he says, walking us to the door of the plane. “The Acostas don’t want to take any chances. Not with everything going on in New York. They want you kept safe.”
When we reach the ground, I notice there is only one car waiting outside the hanger. My stomach drops. Even if I’m not ready to talk to them, I can’t believe they left me to face the Acostas alone.
Miguel must notice my disappointment. “The ladies wanted to wait, but we didn’t want to keep them out in the open any longer than necessary. Anyone connected to the Romeros is on high alert right now.”
Another guard swiftly opens the back door of a large, black SUV. He sets in me on the seat. “Is this okay?”
I’m not completely comfortable, but I know that has nothing to do with the way he put me on the seat. The medication is beginning to wear off and the sooner we get to the Acostas, the sooner I can get my prescription.
“It’s fine.”
He nods and shuts the door, coming around to the other side and climbing in next to me.
“How far is the Acosta’s house from here?”
“It’s about forty-five minutes. If you want to sleep I brought you a pillow and a blanket. I can grab them from the back.”
Maybe sleeping is a good idea. The pain seems to fade more when I’m resting. “Yes, please.”
He reaches into the back and produces a pillow wrapped in a brown pillowcase. The seats are captain chairs. He shows me how to recline the seat back. Once I’m settled he covers me with the blanket. I’d been so preoccupied with getting comfortable, I hadn’t realized that we’d already left the airport and were flying down the highway.
“Your body needs to heal. I’ve been shot before. It takes time, but you’ll be fine. Rest. I’ll wake you when we get there.”
I didn’t argue. Too many conflicting emotions running through my head was taking all of my energy. I allowed my eyes to slide closed.
A light tap on my shoulder wakes me once again. This time I feel more refreshed than I have all day. Bright light is shining from the open car door, I glance over at Miguel, who’s patiently waiting for me to wake.
“Ready for me to take you inside?”
I eye the door over his shoulder. It’s all I can see from inside the vehicle. The wooden door is imposing on its own and that’s not considering everything behind it.
“I think so.” It’s the first time I’ve shown a little vulnerability since leaving the hospital. For some reason. I feel comfortable with Miguel. He’s gone out of his way to make me feel at ease.
“Then let’s get you inside and out of the heat.”