Page 16 of The Risk of Falling

“Don’t do this, Abbey,” he pleads. “We could give this a shot, explore our chemistry. We would be careful with one another. Respect each other. Lead this relationship with honesty. Honesty and respect are the best way to keep anyone from getting hurt.”

I roll onto my side toward him. His piercing blue eyes are staring into me, waiting for my reaction to his idea of how we could handle our situation. I’m mesmerized for a short moment. Good Lord, he’s handsome. Just looking at him sends a shiver down my spine. Shaking it off, I finally reply, “I think that sounds amazing. And perfect. But I don’t think I can take that chance, Parker. It’s too big a risk, and as we’ve been over more times than I would like to count, this ending badly would hurt more than just us.”

The look of disappointment on his face will haunt me forever.

“Parker…” I say his name, reaching my fingers out and touching his face. He flinches, so I pull back.

He rolls off the couch and begins picking up his clothes. I sit up, “Parker…please say something.”

Pulling his shirt over his head, he looks over at me. “What do you want me to say, Abbey? I’m not mad. I’m just confused. Really, fucking confused.” He slips his shoes on. I watch him, unsure what to really say because I’m confused, too. “This is my fault. I’m sorry. We agreed to be friends. I just wanted to see what this pull I feel around you is, but you’re right. Maybe it just isn’t worth the risk.” He turns and walks toward the front door, never looking back. A tear slips past my lid. “Goodnight, Abbey. I promise we can put this behind us this time. I won’t push anymore. We can keep it casual like we agreed from the beginning.” Parker walks out the door of my apartment just as quickly as he came in.

Keep it casual. I’m the queen of casual. Something about that doesn’t feel right in my heart, but my mind quickly quiets the notion. Lifting myself from the couch, I walk to the door and lock it then turn for my bedroom. My sanctuary. My alone space. Alone.

• • •

I find myself at the coffee shop again on this Monday morning. I met Rosie here yesterday after a little morning yoga to go over a few wedding details. Somehow, she convinced me that it was my turn today to pick up our Monday morning get-through-the-day fuel. The beauty of working across the street from our favorite local coffeehouse is I don’t have to go far to fulfill my duty.

Standing in line, I scroll through emails on my phone while waiting my turn. Andy greeted me in his usual fashion, and now he is waiting on the customers before me. The bell on the door behind me signals a new patron has arrived. The boisterous echoes of laughter tell me it isn’t just one patron but multiple. And when I hear familiar voices, I’m clued into the fact that it’s a particular family of boys who just arrived.

I turn slowly, prepping myself not only for the abrupt behavior of the two youngest Nallen brothers but also for the way my heart betrays me by beating a little faster at the chance of seeing the oldest.

When I’m facing the door, I see Drew, Ty, and Jasper standing behind me. Parker isn’t with them, and I realize I’m slightly disappointed by that fact. They’re all laughing, and Drew is mid-punch into the arm of his younger brother when he notices me.

“Abbey!” he exclaims as I watch Tyler rub his arm, and Jasper calls him a pansy. At Drew’s exclamation, Tyler and Jasper turn in my direction with huge smiles on their faces.

I lift my hand in a wave, “Hey, guys!” The three of them walk closer to me, all of them with their strong, chiseled jawlines. Drew and Ty resemble one another and share the same similarities with Parker. I noticed they get their looks from their dad while Jasper is the spitting image of Mrs. Nallen. They’re all grinning like fools when they reach me.

“Hey, sweet Abbey,” Ty greets me, trying to turn on his charm as usual. He slings an arm over my shoulder. I roll my eyes, and Jasper laughs. Drew rolled his eyes with me.

“Ty, does this charm ever work on anyone?” I ask him with a grin on my face.

“Never,” Drew and Jasper say in unison. “Why do you think he’s still single?” Drew continues.

This time, I’m the one who laughs.

“Hardy har…har, big brother. You’re hilarious,” Ty grunts as Andy calls my name.

“Hullo, my dear Abbey! The usual for you and our Rosie girl?” Andy questions.

“You got it, thanks, Andy!” I say in appreciation.

I start to hand over some cash, but Drew gently pushes me to the side, “I got this, Andy.”

Andy nods and smiles, “What a gentleman you are, mate.”

I step to the side and listen as the three of them order their drinks. Drew orders his black with only one sugar while Tyler and Jasper both get a shot of caramel in their lattes. It’s interesting to match their coffee choices with their personalities. It makes me wonder what Parker would have ordered. After they pay, we move to the side to let the next customer place their order.

We all huddle together while they make our drinks. “So, what are you guys up to this Monday morning?” I question.

“We’re meeting up for a little wedding chat before we start our day. Parker couldn’t be here because he had a meeting this morning,” Drew tells me. “He said the cake tasting was a success, and everything went smoothly.”

“Yeah, it went well, and the cake was delicious. I know you and Rosie will be happy with what Parker and I chose,” I smile.

Drew smiles and lifts his chin in acknowledgment. “There was never a doubt in my mind.”

Jasper clears his throat, “So, Abbey, you should come to family dinner on Sunday. It’s a weekly Nallen tradition, and it only seems right you should be there, too.”

Jasper Nallen is the sweetest guy I’ve met. His demeanor is kind and shy, unlike his siblings. He makes me want to hug his neck, and I’m not even a hugger.