Page 13 of The Risk of Falling

“Well, I’m going to head to bed soon. Wanna meet up for coffee after your run tomorrow?” Rosie asks.

“Sounds like a plan,” I confirm. “Love you, Rosie.”

“Love you too, Abs! Thank you again for taking care of the cake for me. See you tomorrow morning, around nine-thirty.”

“Perfect. Night, Rose,” I say before hanging up.

As soon as I put the phone down beside me, I allow my head to fall back, and I close my eyes again. I’m exhausted from the day and all the hundreds of emotions running through me. Emotions I just can’t quite get ahold of, and many I’m having a hard time accepting. No matter what I’m feeling, I’ll just have to keep putting one foot forward, like I always do.



Sitting in front of my laptop, I do my best to get some work done. I had a hard time sleeping last night. The look on Abbey’s face just before she turned and walked away from me consumed my mind. I couldn’t seem to turn it off, so sleep was elusive. Not to mention Gizmo wanted to go out a couple of times during the night. It wasn’t a great night to say the least.

Abbey and I had an incredible day yesterday, and I had to ruin it by kissing her. We had agreed to start over and leave our attraction out of the picture. But I had to go and let my desire for her get the best of me.

I re-read an email from a client for the third time. Shit. Focus. Focus, Parker.

As if I need any more distractions, my phone chirps with a text message. Glancing at it, I roll my eyes. God, I hate when Tyler starts a group text. It takes me more time to skim his and Jasper’s dumbass arguments than it actually takes me to figure out the point of the message in the first place.

I tap in my password to open my phone and read the text thread.

Ty:Hermanos! Don’t forget Moe’s Alley for bro night at 6! Be there or get your ass kicked!

Jasper:I thought it was 6:30?

Drew:It is 6:30. Ty, I already told you I can’t be there until 6:30.

Ty:Fine, 6:30 then. I don’t give a shit. Just be there.

That’s the last of it. Wait. Nope, there’s the little bubble. Someone is typing, and my money is on Ty.

Ty:Quit reading without responding, Parks. We all know your phone is basically glued to your hand.

Shaking my head, I consider not responding, then I realize if I don’t, he will keep texting.

Me:Shut the eff up! I’m in the middle of a project deadline. I’ll be there at 6:30.

All three of them like my text, and surprisingly, no one texts another word.

Turning my attention back to my laptop, I get ahold of my thoughts so I can complete what I need before I have to leave to meet my brothers. I’m finally able to push Abbey out of my mind, at least temporarily.

• • •

I take another swig of my beer as Ty jokingly complains to Drew. “Dude, I can’t understand why you would choose Parks as your best man when we all know I’m your favorite brother.”

Drew doesn’t even look up from his beer. “I don’t have a favorite brother. Parker is just the least annoying out of the three of you. Although, Jasper came in a close second. You were never even an option.”

Jasper and I laugh. Ty shakes his head, “Cold, bro—so cold.” He takes a long pull from his pint of lager. “On a serious note, speaking of cold, how are those feet feeling?”

Drew is quiet for a mere second, and for once, we all wait in silence for him to respond.

“You know, I don’t know how I survived life this long without Rosie. You guys know how I feel about her, I don’t think it’s really a secret anymore, but damn. The waiting for our wedding day is worse than when we were kids waiting for Christmas morning.” Drew takes another drink then keeps going. “I know I will screw things up regularly, but I have no doubt I will spend every day doing all I can to make her happy.”

Hearing his words about the way he loves Rosie makes me long for something I never thought I could ever have. A small sensation of pain spreads through my chest. A pain I don’t think I’ve really felt in years. Jealousy. And worst of all, I’m jealous of my brother. This makes me feel like total dog crap because I should feel nothing but happiness for him. And that’s just it—I am thrilled for him. I’m more than happy for him. I down the rest of my beer. I’m both jealous and excited, and it feels awful.

“You won’t screw things up. You may do some stupid shit over the years. Kind of like Dad does, but you won’t ever screw this up. I see how you look at her, not to mention how you talk about her. Case in point, your words just now tell me you value the fact that you have found something…someone who makes your world turn on its axis. Not everyone will be able to say that. You’re one of the lucky ones,” I state plainly. I hear Ty grunt in agreement.