“Hey Abbey, you okay there? You look like you’ve seen a monster.”

Damn. Drew noticed.

I shrug it off with a wide smile. “Yep, just thinking about ice cream and how the walk to the corner store is too far for my legs to travel today,” I lie.

He gives me a skeptical look, but just like Rosie, Drew doesn’t push it.

“Well, okay. I’m going to run up and give these samples to Rosie.” He glances over his shoulder. “Be right back, Parks. I won’t be long since we have to meet Ty and Jasper soon.” As Drew passes me, he squeezes my hand. “See ya later, Abbey.”

Putting on my best smile, I say, “Yeah, see ya.” I hear the door to the building close behind me. When I look back up, my eyes meet Parker’s. Neither of us says anything for a long minute. His gaze is too much. Too intense. I force my eyes away and begin moving forward, away from this uncomfortable situation.

Unfortunately, I have no choice but to walk past him. As I do, I focus on watching my feet move in perfect unison. Not on him. Until suddenly I feel a large, strong hand wrap firmly but gently around my wrist.

I stop mid-stride but keep my attention downward.

“Abbey, please,” his voice sounds full of weak emotion. “Please look at me.”

Thrown off by the vulnerability I hear in his voice, I glance over my shoulder at Parker’s beautiful face. A face with a quiet vulnerability to it. I will most likely regret this later. His lips are turned down slightly at the corners, and his eyes are pleading with me for something we both know I can’t give him. He is so hard for me to resist. My insides turn upside down, and I feel off balance.

Taking a deep breath, I gain my composure before saying, “Parker…”

He interrupts me. “Abbey let’s just begin again. I know I was an asshole the other night. I don’t even know why, except you just do something to me. I can admit that much, even if I can’t admit what it all means. Let’s just start over. Please.” I watch him closely. He’s actually being serious, but can we even be friends at this point?

He is waiting for my reaction, and I just continue to stare at him for what feels like hours, but, in reality, it is only a couple of seconds.

Without thinking too much more, I extend my hand out toward him. Avoidance. I can do this. “Hello, I’m Abbey. You must be Parker.”

His look instantly transforms from one of hopeful anticipation into one of joy. It’s reminiscent of the night we met and why we ended up in the position we are in, so I quickly shake off my feelings. Parker takes my offered hand in his and follows my lead.

“I am. The one and only. It’s nice to finally meet you, Abbey. Rosie and Drew talk about you all the time,” our hands still interlocked because neither one of us wants to let go. When I realize this, I quickly pull my hand away.

“Uh, yeah. So, I guess we will be seeing one another,” I continue. “I better get going. I have to pick up a much-needed wedding planning essential.” I smile as I back away.

“Oh, really, and what is that?” He smirks, pushing his hands into the front pockets of his jeans.

I give him a mock appalled look. “Chunky Monkey, of course. I can’t believe you even had to ask.” He grins from ear to ear, and I can’t help but reciprocate the sentiment. “Well, Parker, I really should get going. I’ve got to get the ice cream and get back here before Rosie turns into a bridezilla.” I grin before continuing, “It was really nice meeting you.” Quickly, I turn and head in the direction of the corner store. I can feel him watching me, and I try to ignore the sensation it creates within me.

A few seconds pass when I hear a shout, “Hey, Abbey!” I stop and reluctantly glance back. Parker is still beaming. “It was really nice meeting you, too.” I can’t help the smile that creeps across my face. Shaking my head, I turn and continue my mission to get Chunky Monkey.

I can’t explain it, but this feels good. I feel in control again. I’m not sure why it took Parker acknowledging there is something between us that he’s not ready to examine to alleviate my feelings, but it did. Maybe it’s because I was feeling the same, and now, we can both sweep it under the carpet, so to speak.Quit lying to yourself,my thoughts echo.

Damn it, who am I kidding? I just let myself see him as more than a one-night stand. More than Drew’s brother. More than the one man who stirred feelings in me that I’ve spent years burying.

This just might blow up in my face. The door Parker just cracked open slammed shut again.



Iwatch her walk away, and it feels like a huge weight has been lifted from my chest. I feel better. More in control of my emotions, and that is precisely where I need to be right now, especially when it comes to Abbey. For my sake. For her sake. And most importantly, for Drew and Rosie’s sake. If I stayed on this roller coaster of lust and attraction, I might eventually screw it up. When that happens, I would get hurt, Abbey would get hurt, and then it would put Drew and Rosie in an awkward predicament.

“Yo, bro, a penny for your thoughts.” Drew’s voice breaks in from behind me.

Reluctantly, I turn my attention to my brother, who is standing with his hands on his hips, watching me curiously. He tilts his head to one side, his eyes squinting slightly at the corners as if he is trying to figure out all of my deepest, darkest secrets.

Giving him my signature smirk, I shake my head. “Just thinking how one little thing can wreak havoc on your world without even a tiny bit of warning.” My words only confuse him more as he turns his head in the direction of my gaze. In the distance, Abbey walks around the corner and disappears. Before he can say a word, I continue, “Let’s get going. We have to meet our annoying little brothers in ten.”

As we get in the car, Drew watches me, and I hear him say, “Hmm, okay.”