Suddenly, I’m being nudged in my side with an elbow. “Parker don’t be rude. I taught you better than that,” my mom scolds me slightly as she takes Abbey’s hand into hers.
I look from my mom then back to Abbey. “My apologies, nice to…meet…you, Abbey,” I say, stuttering over my words. The awkwardness of standing with my mom combined with the memory of that night and the somewhat hostile look on Abbey’s face leave me slightly annoyed. Irrationally aggravated. So, I do the only thing I can think of at that moment without giving both of us away and embarrassing my mother; I plan an escape route before my emotions give me away.
I turn to Rosie, “Rosie, it’s good to see you again. I think I’ll run up ahead and grab a coffee before we head to Marianne’s.”
Now I’m standing in the Roasting Company, out of breath with frustration. I couldn’t get away from them fast enough.
I close my eyes. I was so taken off guard that I had to remove myself to get my bearings so I can think rationally. I’m a bit thrown off by this unexpected encounter, and that’s not like me. I’m usually so calm and collected. Maybe it’s because I’ve thought about her so often, and then there she was.
As soon as the thought passes through my mind, I hear the bell on the door of the coffee shop ring behind me, signaling someone has entered. Andy, the barista, cheerily greets the customer.
“Abbey, hullo.”
My body stiffens at the mention of her name, and I pinch the bridge of my nose as the tell-tale signs of a headache appear. When I open my eyes, a familiar slender body steps in my view, her back to me. I watch as she waves her capable hand in response to Andy’s greeting before she whips around.God, I wish I didn’t know just how capable that hand was.
As our eyes meet, her gorgeous little pert nose lifts in the air. I’m reminded of that night after I pulled her out of the window because she gave me the same look then. A look that causes me to struggle between two conflicting thoughts. I can’t decide if I want to give her just as much as attitude as she gives me or if I want to push her up against a wall, taking her hard and fast.
Right now is not the time, so I shake the thought from my mind.
Tapping her chin, “You do realize this isn’t a good situation, and we have a problem, right?”
Her obvious reaction to me is just as intriguing as mine is to hers.
Even if we are on the same page about the predicament we currently find ourselves in, I can’t ignore the urge to push her buttons.
“I’m not sure why we have a problem.” I push my hands into the front pockets of my jeans.
Her eyes drop for one split second in the direction of where my hands now rest. Oh, this is going to be fun. I get the feeling someone needs to keep this woman on her toes.
“Eyes up here, Abbey. I think your obsession with things down there is what got us in this position in the first place…lots of positions.”
Defensively, she crosses her arms, sticking her chest out. My God, what I wouldn’t give to have my mouth on her again.
“I…I…look, I think we need to keep this between us. I don’t want anything to mess this thing up for Rosie. Not when she and Drew have finally gotten their shit together. Can we just agree on that?” Her comment brings my mind back from the perpetual state of lust that she seems to push it into just by existing.
I hear what she’s saying, and as much as I would like to continue to make her uncomfortable, she has a point.I’m also not sure how this impacts Rosie and Drew. We slept together months ago, and now we just need to be mature adults about it.
“We can. It shouldn’t be too hard since I see no reason at all that we can’t be adults about this little situation we find ourselves in. We both want the same thing.”
Her arms remain crossed, but she releases a relieved breath. “Good.”
“Good,” I repeat, observing Abbey.
Our gazes lock again, and there is a flash of something, but she drops her gaze before I can decipher it.
“Good,” she says, again.
“Good.” This time I give her a slow, crooked smile.
“Well, I gotta get our coffee so we can get back to work. See ya…uh—around or something.” With that, Abbey swivels on her heels, leaving me standing there with nothing but the reminder of the way her ass felt cupped in my hands.
My heart beats against my chest, and my breathing steadies as my feet pound the pavement. Ahead in the distance, the lighthouse along West Cliff Drive comes into view, so I pick up the pace. That small beacon of hope, my finish line. My head throbs, but I push on, my mind cluttered. That’s the reason I run. To release all the clutter. To relieve the pressure of my thoughts.