The idea seemed simple at first, but the actual implementation is turning out to be quite the opposite. I’m halfway out the window when the bottom of my light cotton dress catches on a piece of splintered wood from the windowsill.Shit. No panties and my bare ass hanging in the air.

My hand touches the soggy ground in front of me as I steady myself, and I try to release the fabric. I exhale a small grunt when it doesn’t come loose as quickly as I hoped and try again.

Suddenly, I’m interrupted by the sound of a deep voice, whispering loudly, “Gizmo, come on,” through the cold, early morning air. Fudge stick. It’s what’s his face.

Nice, Abbey. The least you could do is know the name of the hot dude who had his way with you all over his house. I give my dress another little tug at the same time I hear the rustling of leaves in the bushes next to me. When I turn to see what’s creeping around me, a big, wet tongue laps across my face, invading my mouth as I involuntarily scream for my life. Another lick just as I hear the window slowly slide down until it bumps against my waist. The assault by slobber continues, and I squeal uncontrollably, my attempt to not bring attention to myself is quickly abandoned.

“What in the hell? Gizmo! No!” The same attractive voice is much closer now. No. No. This isn’t happening.

Opening my eyes, I lift my head reluctantly and in absolute humiliation to come face-to-face with a dog the size of a small pony. And he’s actually smiling. This damn dog is literally grinning at my compromising situation. I roll my eyes before lifting them a little higher to meet the curious yet amused, nicely chiseled face of my night’s conquest. He stands, crossing his arms over his shirtless, smooth, defined, tawny chest. Sweatpants hang low on his hips, showing off the slight v my tongue explored at one point during the night, and I resist the urge to lick my lips.

“So, is there a reason your ass is hanging out of my bathroom window?” His question is full of humor.

“I reserve the right not to answer that,” I retort with more snark than a girl in my position should be allowed. My eyes never leave his gaze.

His eyebrow lifts in response. “Well, Gizmo. What do you think? Should we help this pretty little thing and ignore her cranky tone?” Gizmo, a name I’d like to point out is ridiculous for a ninety-five-pound Great Dane, glances up at his owner with excitement, then back to me. “Yeah, I agree,” the hot dude says.

“Ugh, are you just going to keep having a one-sided conversation with your dog, or are you going to help me?” I can’t explain why I’m being so bitchy, but he makes me uneasy. I feel like I’ve lost control of my emotions when he’s around, and I don’t know how to handle it. These feelings are unknown territory for me. And I hate the unknown. He is the unknown, no matter how well we know each other’s bodies.

Without a word, he turns on his heels and whistles, causing Gizmo to trail behind him until they disappear around the corner of the house.

“Are you freaking kidding me!” I holler into the night.

Just as I gain my composure and start to reach back to make another attempt at untangling myself, I hear the bathroom door creak open behind me. The window slides back open, my dress is released, and a pair of large, capable hands wrap around my slender hips within seconds.

“You know? I really like you from this angle. It’s definitely my favorite of the evening. It gives me a full view of where my little adventure took me tonight.”

Before I can say anything, his hands slide up my body to my waist, and I feel him release my dress from the nail. Gently, he lifts me out of the window. When my feet touch the ground, I try to step away, but he pulls me back against his chest. His head is dipping down when his breath whispers across my cheek,“I enjoyed the night; it was just what I needed, and you felt perfect.” He takes my earlobe into his mouth and sucks long enough for the tingling to start between my thighs. His lips follow the curve of my neck, slightly sucking each time he stops. Frozen in place, I no longer feel in control, much to my chagrin. My breathing is slightly labored. My mind betrays me when I ponder that we didn’t do it in the bathroom yet. Before I have time to thoroughly go insane, he continues, “You’re welcome to leave through my front door instead of the window.” He pulls back, and an involuntary gasp of displeasure escapes me. “Thanks for the fun.” I can hear the teasing in his voice.

He turns for the door, leaving me standing in his bathroom alone, listening to the tapping of his feet as he retreats down the hall.

It takes me a moment to snap out of my stunned stupor, but when I do, my coherent thoughts come flooding back.

Without another moment of hesitation, I push my shoulders back, lift my head high, and walk through his house without another word. Without asking his name.

And damn it, without my panties.



Three months later…

Imade a deal with myself to forget what was, admittedly, the best sex of my life. I finally managed to gain control of my thoughts enough that my dick is only hard once a day. Now without warning, here she is sauntering across the street with my brother’s fiancé, Rosie. Her hips sway side to side, reminding me of the night we met when her hips moved to the music. Her beauty teases me as her hair blows in the slight breeze of the day. Perfection. She is wearing a dress like the one she wore that night. It hugs her curves in all the right spots but is modest enough to keep it classy. She’s gorgeous.

As they walk toward us, Drew and Mom discuss Rosie, but all I can do is watch this woman who has me in knots, and I unintentionally ask out loud, “Who is that with her?”

Drew turns his gaze from the women approaching, and he focuses on me.

She must have heard me too because Drew doesn’t even have a chance to answer before she sticks out her hand, our eyes locking, “I’m Abbey, the best friend. And you are?”

Glancing down at her hand first, I look into her eyes and reply, “I’m Parker, the brother.”

Geez. The woman I can’t stop thinking about is best friends with my brother’s fiancé, Rosie.

My mind repeats this thought over and over in my head as if doing so might change the truth. But it’s not. Going. To. Change. She is best friends with Rosie.

Fuck. I screwed Rosie’s friend; not only her friend but her best friend. I’m thrown off, and from her demeanor I can tell she is, too.