Page 6 of Love Wasted


Cass: Age 14

Paxton: Age 16

“So, what’s a girl like you doing at a party like this?” Johnny Ryan asks, the quirk of his lips just as attractive when he isn’t smiling at all. He is even better looking up close than the ninth grade girls locker room gives him credit for.

I feel a chill run up my spine. Johnny is a senior at our high school. He is captain of the soccer team and well known around town for his surfing skills. He’s also known for his way with the girls of our school. He’s handsome, and he knows it.

“A-A girl like me?” I stutter out.

He takes a step toward me, reaching for my hand. When he takes it, he rubs his thumb gently over the top of mine. I look down at our hands, a nervous sensation moving around in my stomach. I like the way he’s holding my hand. I like the way it makes me feel—flattered, pretty.

“Yes, a sweet, smart, cute freshman,” he says, his voice thick and husky. “You’re Cassandra Porter, right?” Johnny continues. He knows my name? Me? A freshman?

I push a loose strand of hair behind my ear nervously.

“I…uh… Yes, and you’re Johnny Ryan,” I respond, still staring at our linked hands.

He laughs a low, throaty laugh, dipping his head, trying to look me in the eyes. He’s good—really good. Johnny has my full attention—I mean, I’m a fifteen-year-old girl who is very interested in being swept off her feet.

“You know my name?” He feigns shock. Johnny has to know everyone knows who he is. “That’s cool.”

I can’t keep the grin on my face from growing. “Yes, and you know mine,” I reply, trying to sound confident. There’s that laugh again—it does something to my teenage insides.

“I make a habit of knowing the name of a pretty girl,” Johnny says. I think it’s supposed to be a compliment, one that is meant to make me melt at his feet, and I almost do, even if my brain realizes he’s full of crap. I smile.

“Would you like a drink?” he asks, just as I notice the one person I spend time avoiding. Paxton. Delaney promised me he wouldn’t be at this party—it’s the one reason we decided it was safe to come. For Delaney, she would avoid a lecture, and for me, I could avoid him.

He walks into the room and everyone notices. I watch as girls stop talking, following him with their eyes. None of them move, almost in a trance. The guys start calling his name and slapping him on the back. Paxton just grins, his eyes searching the room, never focusing on any one person.

“Earth to Cassandra.” Johnny’s voice pulls me from my thoughts and when I glance back at him, he is giving me that lip quirk again. “Drink?” he asks again.

“Sure,” I say, peeking over his shoulder one more time. When I do, Paxton is standing with his back to me, next to the keg.

Johnny laces his fingers with mine and tugs me in that direction. All eyes are on us; there are girls with their mouths hanging open and jealousy written on their faces.

Pushing my shoulders back, I brace myself for a run-in with Paxton. It always starts and ends in the same way, and I’m positive this time won’t be any different. When he turns around, his eyes immediately land on mine and Johnny’s interlocked hands, and I know my assumption isn’t wrong. Paxton’s eyes flash to Johnny’s face and he takes a step forward.

“Johnny,” Paxton says loudly, a strange tone in his voice. His gaze moves to my face. “Cass, what’s going on here?” I feel stunned, and Johnny’s hand tightens around mine as if he’s protecting me.

“Dude, Paxton…Cassandra and I are just getting a drink,” Johnny answers before I can say a word.

“Cassandra? What are you doing here? Is Delaney here too?” Paxton asks, ignoring Johnny and focusing on me.

“Seriously, Paxton!” I exclaim, a little louder than I intend. I step around Johnny. “What is your problem? Yes, Laney is here, and like Johnny said, we’re getting a drink.”

His face turns a light shade of red and he hands his drink to Matt, one of the guys on the soccer team.

“The hell you are!” He reaches for my free hand, taking hold and pulling me to him. It takes both myself and Johnny off guard and I’m propelled forward into Paxton’s chest. “We’re finding Laney and I’m taking you both home!”

“Dude, what the fuck?” Johnny shouts, taking a step toward Paxton. Johnny is a year older than Paxton, and even if he is a little smaller, he isn’t afraid to stand up to him. Paxton doesn’t shy away from confrontation either.

“Look, Johnny, this isn’t happening. Cassandra is my sister’s best friend, and they’re not old enough to be here”—he waves his free hand between us—“doing this with you…with us.”

Before either of them can say anything more, I yank my arm from Paxton’s grasp. My lip is trembling, but I straighten my posture. He looks at me and begins to say something I’ve heard a thousand times from him. I cut him off before he can speak.

“First, you’re not my brother, and second, you can’t tell me what to do! In fact, our parents know Laney and I are here, so butt out!” I snap in his face. I have to look up at him because his six-foot-three-inch frame towers over me, even though I’m tall myself. Poking him in the chest, I keep going. “Stop telling us what to do, Paxton. You don’t have a say in what I do with my life. I’m no one to you.”