Polite amusement crosses Rake’s face. “It would be great to have you back.”

I cross my arms. “What Gilly’s really saying is that she wants to know if you have any single friends. Like guys from the team.”

Rake smiles, and damn him, he’s so fucking good looking. “We’ve got some single guys. Let’s see what we can make happen,” he says, rubbing his hands together.

Gilly jumps up and down a little in her boots.

He turns to Lucy, who’s been hanging back.

Yeah, she’s not going to be as easy as Gilly, I want to tell him. But he’ll find that out in about three seconds.

“Hello,” she says in a flat voice, arms crossed and making no move toward him.

Rake gives her a little wave. “Nice to meet you, Lucy. Are you wanting to meet some of my teammates too?” he asks with a laugh.

She stares him down. “No.”

Awkward silence.

“Okay, then,” Rake says looking from one of us to the other, most likely wondering what he just walked into.

Gilly decides to fill the void. “So you’re our friend’s newhusband. That’s so crazy.” She giggles.

Rake nods. “That I am.” He looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

He’s got questions.

I do too.

Lucy scoops up her bag of garbage. “We’ll be heading back to the city now. You okay here alone?”

She throws Rake a glance, then looks back at me.

I bite my tongue to keep from laughing. She’s good. So good.

But Rake is unfazed. “You okay here alone? With me?” he parrots. A lesser man would run to the door, never to return. But this one’s got some balls.

“Yeah. Let me walk you to the door, ladies.”

Rake takes a seat in the reading nook and picks up the book I’m buying for Gilly.

“Oh, Rake, that’s a really good book. You should read it,” she gushes.

He looks up at her. “Okay, I’ll think about it.” He turns it over in his hands like he can’t wait to get rid of it.

“Nice meeting you in person,” Gilly says.

Lucy walks by without a word.

God, I love her.

We get to the front door and she leans close. “You sure you’re okay here with him? Because I’ll wait to make sure you’re okay. I’ll even kick his ass for you.”

“You know, Lu, you are the best friend a girl could ever have, especially because if I sicced you on him, I know you’d tear him limb from limb. Forget professional athlete. Hell hath no fury like a pissed off Lucy.”

She throws her arms around me, and I let Gilly and her out.

“Call me tomorrow,” Gilly says, gesturing with the universal signal for phone. “I want to hear all about his friends.”