It makes sense, why he’s spending so much time on me. He wouldn’t put in the effort if he didn’t have something at stake too.

“Thanks for coming, Petal. Can we get you something? Coffee? Tea?” he asks.

She reaches into her backpack and pulls out a Diet Coke. “No thanks. Brought my own.”

Vince sniffs, not happy at having his gentlemanly offer shut down. “Okay. So, Petal, you remember Rake Hanson from the auction, don’t you?”

She finally gives me more than a passing glance, and crooks up the corner of her mouth in recognition. “Yup.”


“Wonderful!” Vince says, trying to inject excitement into things.

I feel for the man. Kind of. None of the three of us wants to be here.

“The reason I pulled us together for coffee today,” he says, looking between the two of us, “is that we needed a preliminary meeting, so to speak.”

Petal grimaces and I have to try not to laugh. This is actually becoming entertaining.

“Why?” she snaps. “I’ve been on dates before. I assume Rake has too.”

I snort. I can’t help it.

“We’re getting to that, Petal. Your date will kick off with photographers. The pickup will be covered by the press. There is a lot at stake here for Rake?—”

“And you,” I interrupt.

He throws me a major stink eye, like anyone really believes he’s doing this out of the goodness of his own heart.

He moves closer to us and instinctively we draw in too, like he’s got a secret to share. “Petal, Rake’s participation in the auction and follow-on date are good publicity for the team… and him. We want to make sure it all goes as smoothly as possibly.”

She shrugs. “Okay. Sounds easy enough. But what is this pickup thing you mentioned?”

She looks at me with a question mark on her face. I’m digging her no-bullshit approach so much I smile and nod.

Vince chuckles patiently. “The pickup. When Rake picks you up for your date. Look, I know you both are aware of how to behave on dates. I wanted this meeting so nothing takes either of you by surprise. You see, the team needs this. Rake needs this.”

Petal sits back in her chair, arms crossed, and looks at me. “Is this because of all those fights you’ve been getting into?”

“Um, well, yeah.”

Vince looks like he wants to crawl out of his skin. “I see somebody’s done her homework.”

“Of course I have. Do you think I’m stupid enough to go on a date with someone I know absolutely nothing about? Do you have any clue how modern dating works?” she asks, zeroing in on Vince, who obviously doesn’t. “There’s this thing called the Internet. Everyone uses it to get info about everybody else.”

She turns to me. “Don’t tell me that you didn’t Google me.”

I nod. “Sure, I Googled you.”

I’m no fool. Of course I did.

Vince smacks his hands on the table. “Great. This is so great. No secrets here, I love it,” he says, clearly miserable.

Petal glances at her watch and while she does, I pull my vibrating phone out of my pocket. Vince shoots me a dirty look, but I don’t care. I’m trying to set up a booty call for tonight, and I need to confirm the time.

Is that kind of rude to do while I’m sitting here with another woman? Sure. But to be honest, if she knew what I was doing, I don’t think she’d give a shit.

And she sure as hell isn’t going to be volunteering for a booty call. She can’t stand my ass.