“Thank you.”
“Would you do me a favor?” he asked.
“A favor or something for work? As far as I can tell, my whole job is going to be managing travel for all of you, setting up meetings, and making sure your calendars are in sync.”
“There will be more to it than that.”
“Your club memberships. I forgot. And the expense reports.”
“And being our point person on changes to the gaming laws as they affect crypto—especially when Erika Schweiker wins in November. That’ll be big. That’s where we’ll need your smarts.”
“You have Rory for that. And Lara. I’ll be sending them links to analyze. I’ll be a well-paid but highly glorified intern.”
“Only as you learn the business.”
They were at yet another stoplight. He smiled. He squeezed her knee gently through her jeans and slid his hand a few inches up her thigh. It felt good. It always felt good when Frankie touched her. Their eyes met through their shades.
“So, that favor,” he said.
“Go on.”
“In the next week or two, we might want you to do a little modeling.”
They were now on the strip, moving once again, and he was staring at the road and she was staring at the casinos. She could gaze at them for hours, even during the day. She always saw something new.
“We need a pretty girl.”
“It’s a favor for Futurium?”
“I’m not that pretty.”
“You are. You know you are.”
Her mind contemplated the worst: arm candy for some creepy friend of Tony Lombardo or Damon Ioannidis. She knew Frankie wouldn’t literally whore her out, but she didn’t like the sound of this. “What precisely do you need a pretty girl for?”
“A photo shoot for the website. We need an outdoorsy-looking girl as background for a page about why we’re in Vegas. We don’t want chorus girls or party girls. We want someone who looks like, I don’t know, a hiker.”
“Really? That’s it?”
“Yeah. Get a couple pics of you looking like you just hiked up Mount Philo back in Vermont.”
“I did that with Marisa.”
“I remember.”
She hadn’t expected this was the favor.
“And you’re eye candy,” he went on, “and this way we don’t have to fuck around finding a model.”
Abruptly he braked and pulled into the long drive that led to Caesar’s Palace, and she asked him what they were doing, but he ignored her and gunned the car. He didn’t say a word until he reached a spot near the entrance, where a valet raced over to them. There Frankie rolled down his window and told the young man they needed a minute. Then he looked her squarely in the eye and took one of her hands in his and said, “We were just robbed of a nice lunch. Let’s you and I have one anyway.”
“We don’t have things to do?”