I shiver, hugging myself. The full weight of what we've done is sinking in. Marco has burned all his bridges for me. There's no going back now.
We'll have to watch our backs at every turn, constantly wary of threats from Marco's enemies. And from those to whom my parents owed a family debt that their rivals now intend to collect. Perhaps we'll never fully escape this life we were both born into, the bloody roots that run too deep.
But we have each other now. And for better or worse, our fates are intertwined.
Luca corners me in my study, a grim set to his jaw. “We need to talk.”
I sigh, gesturing for him to sit. “What is it now?”
“The Rosales family,” he says bluntly. “They’re making moves again. Attacking our shipments, threatening our allies. They won’t stop until they’ve taken over, Marco, or until we wipe them out. You saw what they did to Alessia. And you know they're not going to stop chasing you both down until we take them out completely. I need your help. This can't be my first task in your old role.”
My stomach clenches. I’ve given up that life, left the mafia behind for Alessia. But Luca’s right—the Rosales won’t stop hounding us until they’ve destroyed what our family built.
“I’m stepping up as boss,” Luca says, anxiety written across his face. “But I need your help to finish this once and for all. One last favor, Marco, that’s all I ask.”
One last favor. I close my eyes, thinking of Alessia’s smile, her laughter, the life we’ve started to build. If I do this, that life will be stained with blood. But if I don’t, she’ll never be safe. The Rosales will use her again to get to me.
When I open my eyes, Luca’s watching me closely. “You’ll do it,” he says with certainty. “For her, and for us. Family first, Marco. Always.”
I set my jaw and meet his gaze. “One last favor,” I echo. “But when this is done, I’m out. For good this time.”
Luca nods. “Whatever you need to do to keep her safe. I understand.” He stands, clasping my shoulder. “Meet me tonight to plan the attack. It’s time to end this war once and for all.”
As Luca leaves, dread and determination war inside me. I’m going back to the life I fled, the violence I abhor—all to protect the woman I love. Once the Rosales are defeated, we’ll finally have peace. But at what cost? I can only pray Alessia will forgive me for the blood I’m about to spill.
I find Alessia in her art studio, sunlight filtering through the windows to illuminate her canvas. She’s frowning at the half-finished painting, a swirl of dark colors and sharp edges that reflect the turmoil of our lives lately.
When she sees me, her expression softens. “You’re back.” She sets down her brush and wipes her hands, crossing the room to wrap me in her arms. “Did Luca convince you?”
I hold her close, breathing in her scent. “He did. It’s the only way to end this, tesoro. But when it’s over—”
“I know.” She pulls back to meet my gaze. “When it’s over, we’re free. No more looking over our shoulders, no more threats. Just us, Marco, the way it was meant to be.”
Her faith in our future steadies me. I cup her face in my hands, tracing the line of her jaw with my thumb. “Luca and I have a plan to ambush them tonight. If all goes well, the Rosales family will be defeated by dawn.”
Alessia searches my eyes. “Promise me you’ll be careful. I can’t lose you, Marco, not when we’ve come this far.”
“I promise.” I kiss her softly. “After tonight, all of this will be behind us. We’ll finally have the life we deserve.”
She smiles, though worry still lingers in her gaze. “Go do what you have to do. I’ll be here waiting for you when it’s over.”
I squeeze her hands before releasing them. Tonight will be dangerous, but the thought of coming home to Alessia keeps my steps steady as I leave to prepare. After so much darkness, our future is finally in sight. No matter the cost, I’ll make sure we reach it—together.
I make my way through the empty streets, the familiar weight of my gun a grim comfort at my side. My men are waiting at our headquarters, preparing for the confrontation ahead. But first, there are allies I need to secure, men who still owe me their loyalty despite walking away from this life.
The door of the small café creaks open, a bell tinkling above. The owner, Bruno, looks up from wiping down the counter and nods in greeting. “Was wondering when you’d show up.”
“We have unfinished business with the Rosales family,” I say, sliding onto a stool. “I’m here to call in that favor you owe me.”
Bruno’s jaw tightens, his eyes flickering away. “Marco, you know I’m out of that life now. I can’t—”
“Without our help, your brother would be dead. I saved your family, and now I’m asking you to return the favor.” I lean forward, lowering my voice. “One last job, Bruno. Help me take down the Rosales, and your debt will be repaid. Then we can both leave this life for good. I promise.”
He exhales heavily, dragging a hand over his face. “You drive a hard bargain. But I owe you too much to refuse.” Bruno looks up, resignation and regret in his eyes. “What do you need?”