Page 70 of Pretty Drunk

Giving me a small grin, she spins around and takes a step toward the hallway.

Shoving my hands in the pockets of my jeans, I confess, “Hal? I stole a peek while you were in the shower.”

She flashes me a wide, saucy grin that makes my balls heavy. “I know.”

Then she saunters away, adding a little extra swing to her hips, and I’m left standing here with a hard dick and an overactive imagination.

Maybe living with Hallie wasn’t my best idea after all.

It’s wild how quickly we fall into a comfortable routine. It’s been a week since we’ve been living at the cabin. Today is Hallie’s first day back to work since the fire, so I decide to do something nice for her. I take an early lunch from the hardware store and head down the street. I grab a bowl of the tomato bisque soup and grilled cheese sandwich from Frannie’s to drop off to her at the preschool. I know she only has a small window between the morning class and the afternoon one, and she didn’t take anything with her when she left for work, which means she’ll likely have to leave to grab something to eat. This way, she can stay there and relax.

We learned toward the end of last week that the fire was electrical. Something in the attic in the Smithers’s unit sparked and caught fire. Even though the fire didn’t spread to Hallie’s condo, the damage was significant. I was able to go in and grab some of her belongings, but unfortunately, so much of her stuff was ruined from smoke and water. Even after washing her clothes, there’s still a heaviness of smoke and fire to them, and she decided just to throw them all away.

Blair and Ellie took her to the store and helped her pick up new things, though she didn’t buy nearly as much as I expected. When she got home and explained she’d be needing maternity clothing soon, I understood her reasoning a bit more. But I’m also the type of guy who says if she needs something, she should get it, dammit.

She still wears my joggers and T-shirts to bed every night. Even though they’re big on her, she looks adorable as fuck and comfortable in them, so who am I to argue? There’s something primal about seeing her in my stuff, so there’s no way in hell I’m going to complain. In fact, I just ran to my place over the weekend and picked up more so she had more options. Sharing clothes with Hallie definitely isn’t a hardship.

As I’m walking back to the hardware store with her lunch, I pass the small floral and gift shop. Making a quick decision, I slip inside the store and walk to the counter.

“Hi, Logan. How are you?” the older shop owner, Gladys, greets.

“I’m doing well, Mrs. Gibson.”

“Well, what brings you in today?”

“I’d like to grab some flowers from the case,” I tell her, eyeing the glass refrigerated cooler on the side wall.

“If you don’t see what you’re looking for, let me know and I can make it up for you quickly,” she offers, following me to the case.

I scan the premade arrangements, not really sure what I’m looking for. But when my eyes land on the three red roses with yellow sunflowers, I know I found it. “I’ll take that one, please.”

“You got it. I’ll meet you at the counter.”

When I reach the register, I pull my wallet from my pocket and grab some cash.

“Would you like to fill out a card?” she asks, sliding the vased bouquet into a clear bag and tying it closed for easy transport.

“No, that’s not necessary.” I mean, I’m going to hand them to her. She’ll know who they’re from.

“Are these for that sweet Hallie? You two are so cute together. Shame about her condo. I heard she’s staying with you at the cabin,” she says, typing into her old fashion cash register.

“She is, and yes, they are for her.”

“Well, I think it’s super sweet you two are together. You deserve some happiness in your life. I don’t think I’ve seen you smile much since your daddy died and that horrible woman stuck her claws into your business like that,” Gladys says, shaking her head.

I’m not surprised by her comment. Everyone in town knows what happened between Shay and me. Nothing in this town is private for very long.

“And to think, a baby. Your mama is beside herself with joy. She stopped in the other day to grab a gift for your gram and was just gushing,” she tells me as I hand over the cash to pay for my purchase.

“She’s very excited,” I confirm, taking the change.

“She is, but who wouldn’t be? There’s something so magical and special about the first grandbaby. And great-grandbaby in Bernice’s case. I’ll be seeing her this week at bingo. I had to miss the last two weeks because my Johnny was down with the shingles. Terribly painful, that is.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Hopefully he’s on the mend soon,” I tell her, reaching for the vase.

“He better be. Driving me bonkers is what he’s doing,” she quips, and I can tell by the smile on her face she’s teasing. At least a little. “Tell that pretty girl of yours hello.”

I don’t have the heart to tell her she’s not my girl. At least not in the traditional sense. We’re not dating, despite having a baby together. “Will do. Have a great day, Mrs. Gibson.”