Page 5 of Pretty Drunk

“Is it just me or are we a guest heavy all of a sudden?” TD asks, dropping into the empty chair beside me.

“Nothing gets past you,” I grumble, teasing my best friend and making Gabe snort.

“You mean you didn’t invite her?” Gabe asks between drinks of his beer.

“My best man’s ex-wife?” TD jokes, eyebrows pulling to the sky.

“Just making sure,” Gabe states before returning his gaze to the dance floor. And really, there’s no floor. Ellie decided she’d dance with her husband and friends in the middle of the grass, beneath strands of twinkle lights we hung from the trees earlier in the week.

“What are you doing over here, anyway? Shouldn’t you be out dancing with your new wife?” I ask, finishing off my second and final beer of the night. I promised the groom I’d make sure everyone leaves safely and everything is shut down and secure.

The newlyweds are using my cabin for their wedding night. I guess someone should be getting some action there. Lord knows I’m not. Not that I’ve been trying. Between running a business and cleaning up my ex-wife’s messes, I stay pretty busy. So while they’re away, I’ll be here, making sure everything is taken care of the way a good best man should. Brody will be staying here, and I’m going to assume his girlfriend, Morgan, so my plan is to get the big things taken care of tonight and come back in the morning to finish cleaning up.

“I’ve danced with my lovely wife twice,” TD states. “I’d much rather sit back and watch her.”

My eyes scan the dance floor, where a handful of women are all moving to an upbeat song, and eventually land on Hallie. She’s a natural out there, her hips doing things that make my libido stand up and take notice.

“Shit, she’s spotted you, Logan. She’s coming over here,” TD mutters quietly.

I don’t need to ask who she is. I already know he’s referring to Shay.

“We should go dance,” Gabe states just as the song changes to a slow number.

TD stands up, a grin spreading across his lips. “You won’t get a complaint out of me. Anything to get my hands on my wife.”

I’m left with a choice. I can hang back, sitting alone at the table and giving my ex-wife an opportunity to come wreak havoc on my night, or I can offer to dance with Hallie, potentially risking injury to my face or balls when her claws come out in protest.

“Logan!” I hear Shay call over my shoulder.

I’m up and moving before I can think twice.

Gabe already has Blair in his arms, as does TD with Ellie. Brody and Morgan are gently swaying to the music too, so as Hallie starts to exit the dancing area, I reach out and lightly grab her wrist. “Come on, Cupcake. Let’s show everyone how it’s done.”

A shock lights up my arm and races through my veins. Her gasp is loud, her eyes wide with surprise. I’m not sure if it’s from the zap of our contact or the fact I’m asking her to dance, when she’s made it clear she’d rather streak naked through downtown than be anywhere near me.

What’s equally surprising is she doesn’t say a word as I guide her back onto the dance floor and pull her into my arms. Her eyes hold a hint of defiance despite being glassy, a result of the several glasses of wine she’s had tonight, and her cheeks rosy. She’s definitely buzzed, and perhaps I can use that to my advantage. At least she’s not hissing and scratching at me like a caged animal trying to make a break for it.

With her chest pressed to mine, we gently sway to the beat of a classic Shania Twain ballad. She opens her mouth, but quickly closes it, and even though I want to ask what she was about to say, it’s probably best not to poke the bear. We’re getting along and not bickering. Perhaps she thought it best to just let it go for the moment.

Then again…

“Is this a trick? Are you about to dip me and let me fall to the ground? Tramp my foot and break my toes?” she finally asks, skepticism written all over her gorgeous face.

“Would I do that?”

Her eyes narrow, and I try to ignore how much I like the fire dancing in those little slits. I also try to ignore the way she feels in my arms. Soft in all the right places, and it’s difficult not to flex my fingers into the curve of her hip. “Would you do that? Is that another trick?”

I huff out a deep breath. “Can’t a man just dance with a friend?”

“When that man is you?”

A chuckle slides from my lips. This is what’s the most comfortable with Hallie. Sparring.

Her left hand rests in the middle of my back, while her right one wraps around my shoulder, and I try to keep my brain from dwelling on how much I enjoy the simple contact.

Or my body from reacting to it.

Just as I’m about to comment on how it’s been a solid two minutes without either of us threatening to kill each other, I feel her tense. Her entire body goes rigid, and a soft gasp slips from her mouth. I catch the moment her eyes narrow on something behind me.