Page 50 of Pretty Drunk

We head down the hallway to an available room. We step inside and Gina points at the empty chairs. “Go ahead and have a seat. We’ll run through your medical history and then get to the good stuff. Today’s appointment will be the longest one. The rest after this will take half the time, I promise,” she says apologetically, sitting down at the counter and typing on her tablet.

It takes a little time to run through my medical history, but when we’re finally done, she stands up and goes to a cabinet. “Okay, everything off from the waist down, the opening in the front.”

My mouth falls open. “What?”

“Yeah, sorry, but we do a pelvic exam at the first appointment too.” She gives me an apologetic smile. “Dr. Bergman will be in shortly.”

And then I’m left alone.

With a thin gown.

And Logan.

“Uhh, I take it you weren’t anticipating this part?”

I turn and narrow my eyes at the other occupant in the room.

“I’ll just…go in the waiting room,” he says, the disappointment evident in his voice.

Logan opens the door, but just before he steps out into the hallway, I find myself blurting out, “Wait.” I close my eyes for a brief moment before meeting his gaze. “You can stay. But you have to stay at my head the whole time. Understand?”

He gives me a fast nod and moves to the head of the table.

“Wait, I need to get undressed. Turn around.”

“I can step out into the hallway,” he offers, letting me know he’s trying to respect my boundaries as much as he can.

“It’s fine. Just don’t sneak a peek,” I state, standing up and grabbing the gown.

He snorts, facing the wall. “I’ve already seen all the goods, Cupcake.”

“Yes, but this is different,” I argue.

It’s not different.

Not really.

“Whatever you say. Would you like me to step out into the hall while you strip?”

“Just turn around.”

I don’t even care he already has and is facing the back wall. My eyes are drawn to his arms and back, to the T-shirt stretched tautly across both. Sighing, I peel my eyes away from the spectacular view, knowing my time is somewhat limited before Dr. Bergman knocks on the door, and I’d rather not be mid-change when that happens. With lightning speed, I slip my sandals from my feet and strip off my capris. Usually this is when I’d fold them neatly and place them on the chair, but time is of the essence here. I take another glance at Logan to ensure his eyes are facing the wall still and slip my panties off, shoving them beneath my crumpled pants. Then, I practically throw the gown on, crossing it in front of my abdomen, and hop up onto the table.

“Okay, you can turn around.”

When he does, he stays at my head, the way he was instructed. It’s hard to see him from this vantage point, but I can tell his hands are now shoved into his pockets as he rocks back and forth on his heels. I wish I knew what to say to him, but no words come.

Fortunately, the silence is short-lived when a knock sounds at the door. “Ready?” Dr. Bergman asks, poking her head into the room.

“All set,” I confirm.

“How are you feeling today, Hallie?” she asks as she enters the room.

“Pretty good right now. Lunchtime was a different story,” I reply with a chuckle.

“I hear you’re having quite a bit of morning sickness,” the doctor states.

“Unfortunately, yes.”