Page 45 of Pretty Drunk

Setting them on the nightstand, I have a seat on the edge of her bed and lean her way. “Hallie,” I say gently, placing a hand on her back.

“Logan?” she asks without opening her eyes.

“It’s me, Hal. How are you feeling?”

“So tired,” she mutters.

“I brought you something for your stomach.”

“My stomach doesn’t want anything,” she mumbles, turning on her side and facing me. “How did you get in here?”

“I broke down your front door,” I say, the lie rolling off my tongue easily.

“What? What the hell is wrong with you?” she chastises, her pretty blue eyes narrowing.

A chuckle falls from my lips. “I’m kidding, Cupcake. You left your front door unlocked. You’re lucky I’m the only one who came in here.”

“I’d welcome them killing me right now,” she mumbles, clearly feeling miserable.

I bark out a laugh and reach for her, helping her sit up. “Come on, Cupcake. Time to get up and eat.”

“Don’t say the E word!” she bellows, flopping around and making it difficult to get her in an upright position.

“It won’t be so bad, Hal. And just think of the end result. A little puking every now and again will be worth it, right?”

“Says the man who can eat whatever the hell he wants without throwing it up thirty minutes later,” she grumbles, eventually sitting upright.

“Here,” I offer, opening a can of ginger ale and a sleeve of saltine crackers. “I was reading online that ginger can help with morning sickness, and so does bland food. Toast, crackers, fruits like bananas, pears, and applesauce.”

She grabs a cracker and takes a small, tentative bite. “Why do they call it morning sickness? It should be called all-day sickness.”

“Your guess is as good as mine,” I reply, holding out the can of ginger ale.

Hallie sighs, takes the can, and sips the cool liquid.

“Oh, try this,” I say, grabbing the small box and ripping it open.

“What’s that?”

“It’s a motion sickness wristband,” I reply, taking the band out and reaching for her wrist. “Some of the women on the websites I read swore by them.” I place it on her arm and glance up.

She’s staring back at me, mouth slightly agape as she watches me. “You read websites?”

Shrugging, I feel my cheeks heat a bit. “Just a couple, you know, on my way to the grocery store. No big deal.”

Nibbling on the cracker again, she gives me a very small, grateful grin. “Thanks, Logan.”

“Yeah, well, I’d hate to mess up the perfect streak I have going on, but I figured you could go back to hating me when I leave.”

She snorts and finishes the first cracker, taking a few small sips of the soda before consuming a second one. “What else did those websites tell you?”

I lift my left leg up on the bed, careful to keep my boots off the bedding. “Well, I know it feels like forever away, but the morning sickness usually only lasts through the first trimester. That means about two more months, and you should be past the worst of it.”

“Easy for you to say,” she mumbles, continuing to nibble crackers like a rabbit.

“Oh, there’s some peppermint candies in the kitchen too. I know you’re not a fan of mint, but if it helps you not get sick as much, I figured it would be worth dealing with a few mints every so often.”

When I look her way, there’s a faint smile on her lips. “Every now and again, you have a few redeeming qualities.”