Page 28 of Pretty Drunk

“What brings you into the diner, dear? Meeting someone for dinner?” Gram asks before taking a sip of her lemonade.

“I’m just grabbing some dinner to go and heading back to my condo,” she answers.

“Well, you must join us then. We insist, don’t we, Logan?”

I glance across the table at my mom, but all I see is her eyes dancing with laughter. “Of course you can join us,” I find myself saying.

“I don’t want to intrude—” Hallie starts but is quickly cut off.

“You’re not. We’d love for you to join us. Please, have a seat,” Gram insists, pointing to the booth across from me.

Once she’s situated, Ellie returns to take her drink and food order, happily adding it to ours. I move my legs, only to accidentally kick Hallie in the shin. She winces and narrows her eyes at me, the accusation clear. I’m just about to apologize for the unintentional act when my grandma speaks up.

“Hallie, you’re glowing. Are you dating anyone?”

My eyes widen and fly across the table to Hallie. She seems confused and taken aback by the comment as she slowly replies, “Umm, no?”

“Well, in my experience, a woman only glows like that when she’s having really good sex,” my grandma says with a smile before sipping her lemonade.

I choke on air and cough and sputter. “Gram!”

“What? I’m serious. I’m old, but I remember that good-sex glow. Your grandpa, rest his soul, was very good at the sexual stuff.”

I groan and shut my eyes, trying not to think about my grandparents having sex. Hallie’s giggle fills the diner, making my cock jerk in my pants. My mom blushes with her chuckle, and I suddenly wish the floor would open up and swallow me whole.

“Well, sorry to disappoint you, Bernice, but the last time I was intimate with a man, it really wasn’t that good.” A smug grin slips across her mouth before she takes a sip of her tea.

My eyes narrow because I beg to differ.

I’m pretty sure it was very, very good. I mean, I’m not a super religious man, but she seemed to be praising God a hell of a lot.

“Oh, that’s too bad.”

“I’m sure it’s just a sweaty glow from cleaning and organizing the preschool today,” Hallie replies casually.

Gram gives a knowing nod. “That doesn’t sound nearly as fun. But who knows, the next guy you take to bed may very well knock your socks off. Just you wait.”

My chest puffs out as the challenge is laid at my feet. She thinks our time together wasn’t that great?

Game on, Cupcake.

Chapter Nine


“There she is!” Ellie hollers when we arrive at Shiner’s Sports Bar. “Happy birthday!”

Smiling, I make my way to the table Ellie and TD have reserved for tonight’s gathering they insisted we have. Thirty-six is just another number, and while I enjoy getting together with my friends, a birthday celebration isn’t something I need. “Thank you,” I tell Ellie, giving her a hug.

“You look so hot,” she announces, taking in my cowboy boots and light blue and yellow sundress that hits mid-thigh. It also dips very low in the front, revealing plenty of cleavage.

“Thank you,” I reply, doing a little curtsy.

“That’s what I told her when she came out to my SUV. She’s going to turn all the heads tonight, and not just the single ones,” Blair chimes in, looking just as foxy in her white and green dress with nude flats.

“I’m not the only one. Good thing your fiancé is with you. He looks like he’s ready to throw down with the first guy who looks your way,” I quip, already noticing how my brother’s head seems to be on a swivel.

“This is so fun! I’m so glad we decided to do this,” Ellie adds, looking positively beautiful in her denim skirt and purple halter top.