Page 26 of Pretty Drunk

What more do I need?

I push through the front entrance of the diner and smile when I spot Ellie behind the counter. “Hey!” she hollers, grabbing a stack of menus and approaching with a big smile.

“What are you doing working this evening? I thought you’d take some time off after the wedding.”

She shrugs as the bell on the door behind me chimes. “We’re not leaving for our honeymoon until Sunday, so I might as well get some hours in before we go.”

“Don’t let her fool you. She worked the morning shift, but when one of the evening girls called off sick, she volunteered herself instead of finding someone else to work.” TD steps around me and kisses his wife soundly on the lips, making her blush.

She clears her throat and glances around quickly. “It was the easiest solution for last minute,” she insists. Turning her attention back to me, she asks, “Just you tonight?”

“Nope, Gram and Mom are on their way.”

“Booth or table?” she asks, glancing around.

“Whatever’s available.”

“How about that booth over there,” Ellie states, pointing to the far right along the windows.


“And I’ll send your mom and gram over when they arrive.”

Looking over at TD, I ask, “You want to join us?”

“No, I’m good. Brody and Morgan are on their way. I’m hoping I can convince my wife to take a short break and eat with us.” The love reflecting in his eyes makes my chest tighten. Not because I’m jealous—those two deserve so much happiness it’s not funny—but simply because, for a short period of time, I thought I had that too.

I nod before heading over to the booth, greeting a few patrons along the way. Just as I slide into the side facing the door, I see it open and two of my favorite women enter. Lifting my hand, I wave when they look my way, smiles on both of their faces.

Gram starts to shuffle my way, but quickly detours the moment she spots TD sitting at a table near the counter. He instantly gets up and wraps his big arms around her small body, laughing at something she says. I watch as Gram steps back and looks down at her outfit, as if he complimented her on what she’s wearing. Then, she rubs his cheek in that adoring manner she does with me and steps forward to kiss the spot where her hand just touched.

Finally, she moves back and my mom gives him a brief hug. They only converse for a few seconds before the duo makes their way to the table. As they approach, I slide out to give them both a hug. “Should Ellie be worried you were hitting on her husband?” I quip, knowing it’ll make her smile.

“Maybe a few years ago,” Gram announces proudly, returning my gesture. “So good to see you,” she adds, going to slip into the booth.

“I can go in first,” I tell her, but she waves off my comment.

“I may be old, but I’m not crippled. I can get in and out of a booth, Logan Christopher Johnson.”

Smiling at the use of my full name, I nod and give my mom a quick hug. Once they’re both seated, I take my seat with Gram as Ellie approaches.

“Good evening,” she sings as she places three menus on the table. “Bernice, you look so lovely in that color.”

Gram grins widely. “Why, thank you, dear. That fine young husband of yours said the same thing.”

“Well, that shade of green is definitely your color,” Ellie compliments. “What can I get you three to drink?”

“Water for me, please,” Mom requests.

“I’ll take a lemonade,” Gram orders.

“And I’ll have water also,” I add.

“Of course. I’ll give you a minute to look over the menu,” Ellie says, turning and heading to fill our drink order.

“What sounds good?” my mom asks.

“I wonder if they have any of Saul’s bacon-wrapped meatloaf left from lunch. That stuff is always a delight,” Gram states, browsing the plastic dinner menu.