Page 23 of Pretty Drunk

I clear my throat again and take another drink. The cold liquid doesn’t seem to quench my thirst, not in the least. I’m sure that has something to do with the slight onslaught of panic racing through my veins. I’m not a very good liar. I have tells, plenty of signs that give it away for me, but try to hide them behind sarcasm and quick wit. I’ve managed to perfect them over the years as a way to hide my attraction to Logan.

Just the thought of him has me squirming in my seat.

Suddenly, she gasps and covers her mouth with her hand. “Oh my God! You had sex!”

“What?” I ask. “No!”

“Yes! Holy shitballs, you had sex with Logan!”

“How could you have possibly gotten that from my silence? I was just sitting here,” I argue, refusing to confirm her suspicions.

“You may not have said anything, but it was written all over your face. First, when I mentioned his name and you sleeping there, you blushed. Then, you started to wiggle and get fidgety. Holy crap, Hal. You slept with Logan?”

“Shhhh,” I whisper-yell. “Keep your voice down. I don’t want my neighbors hearing you.”

My oldest friend leans in. “That wasn’t a denial.”

Exhaling loudly, I close my eyes and realize I’m not getting out of this conversation. When I meet her gaze, I confirm, “Fine. Yes. I slept with Logan.”

She makes this high-pitched squeal noise and leans in even closer. “Tell me everything! Who came on to who? Was it good? How many times did you do the nasty with him?”

“Do we have to do this?” I grumble.

“Uhhh, yeah! You better start talking, missy.”

“Fine, but once I tell you the details, that’s it. We’re not talking about it ever again.”

“What? Why?”

“Because it shouldn’t have happened,” I tell my friend. “It was a mistake.”

“So it was bad?” she asks, clearly disappointed.

“Well…not exactly.”

She gasps loudly. “So it was good?”

I nod in confirmation. “Definitely,” I whisper.

Blair shakes her head and takes a small sip of her lemonade. “Wow, I wasn’t expecting this.” After she takes a few minutes to collect her thoughts, she says, “So? Tell me all the details. It’s not every day one of our friends sleeps with another.”

My eyes narrow across the table. “TD and Ellie slept together.”

She waves off my comment. “Yeah, but that was destined to happen sooner or later. They’ve been in love with each other since forever.”

“You slept with my brother, or did you forget about that?”

Blair blushes a dark shade of pink. “How could I forget?” she asks with a mischievous grin. “Though, technically, we weren’t friends.”

“Potayto, potahto. And we promised never ever to go into any details where he’s concerned,” I state, making a disgusted face.

“I would never do that to you,” she insists. “Wait, I might tell you all about this thing your brother does with his tongue if you don’t hurry up and share the deets about last night with Logan.”

“Uhhhhh! So gross,” I mutter, shaking my head. “Fine. He took me to his place when we realized my keys were locked in my Jeep and put me in his bed. I’m not sure how long I was out for, but I woke up incredibly uncomfortable in my dress and decided to change. I stole his clothes and then went to see where he was sleeping. He was standing in the kitchen taking shots of tequila, so I joined him. Next thing I knew, we were both naked.”

“And?” she encourages, knowing there’s more.

“And…we stayed up half the night having sex. Really, really good sex,” I tell her, feeling a blush creep into my cheeks. I don’t usually blush, but when I think back to my night with Logan, I can’t help it.