Page 7 of Pretty Drunk

“Got it.”

A squeal erupts from across the yard, grabbing our attention. Hallie pulls Ellie into a huge hug, doing this odd dancing/swaying thing as she squeezes. “Perhaps make sure Hallie doesn’t drive? It appears she’s had plenty to drink,” he states with a grin.

“I’ve got Hal,” Gabe mutters, shaking his head at his sister’s antics.

“Okay, well, I think that’s all. I’m going to say goodbye to Brode and head out.”

“Enjoy your night,” Gabe proclaims with a grin.

TD slaps him on the shoulder, a wolfish grin on his lips. “Oh, I plan on it.”

We watch as he heads over to his stepson and holds out his hand. Brody pushes it away and throws his arms around TD’s shoulders, pulling him into a hug. Morgan is there and gives TD a polite hug as well before the man walks to where his new wife stands. In one fluid motion, he lifts her into his arms—as if he were carrying her over the threshold—and to a chorus of cheers, walks through the backyard toward the driveway where his truck is waiting.

Gabe snorts. “I’ll be confirming her pregnancy in about a month.”

Nodding, I can’t help but agree. TD has loved Ellie for as long as I can remember, even if he was too stubborn to admit it for a long time. As Gabe mentioned earlier, we’re not getting any younger, and I know my friend would kill to have the opportunity to have a child or two with Ellie.


With a deep sigh, I glance to my right. “What are you doing here, Shay?”

She seems surprised I’d even ask, her hand coming up to her chest. “I was invited!” she insists loudly before flipping her long blond hair over her shoulder.

My eyebrows crawl up toward my hairline as I gaze back at her skeptically.

“Whatever, they’re my friends too,” she counters, pulling out the chair beside mine and taking a seat.

“Please. Sit.” Those two words have a touch of bite to them.

“Thanks, I will,” she counters with a big grin, clearly missing my animosity. “Hello, Dr. Rhodes,” she coos, batting her eyelashes.

“Shay,” he replies politely with a nod, but quickly returns his eyes to watching Blair.

“I was doing some thinking,” she starts, and I know I’m not going to like where this is going. “Do you know Taylor Swift?”

“Personally?” I quip, wishing I had a shot of something hard like Jack Daniels.

“Oh my God, wouldn’t that be, like, amazing?” she gushes, leaning in closer and trying to invade my personal space.

Ignoring her question, I glance to my right and find Hallie standing there, sending a glaring look this way. Funny thing is, I’m not sure if her eye daggers are meant for me or Shay. Even when she’s trying to kill me with her baby blue peepers, I can’t help but get a little turned on. I narrow my eyes back at her, holding her gaze as she downs another glass of champagne. Yep, Cupcake is gonna be hurtin’ tomorrow.

“…and so I went ahead and ordered all new signage.”

“I’m sorry, what?” I ask, returning my attention to the woman sitting in front of me.

Gabe barks out a laugh, clearing enjoying the moment as Shay just rolls her eyes. “New signage for the aisles and departments. All in a Taylor Swift theme, based on her songs.”

Am I being punked right now?

“You’ve got to me shittin’ me,” I mutter, rubbing my thumb over my temple where a headache is quickly forming.

“Don’t you worry about a thing. I’ve taken care of it all,” she boasts before standing up and stepping beside me. “We make such a great team, don’t we?” she asks, leaning forward and getting right in my face. Her ample tits are practically spilling out of her cleavage and her expensive perfume tickles my nose, making my stomach turn. “See you Monday, partner.” Then, she leans in and kisses my cheek before I can move away. Call it shock or whatever. I can’t believe she just did that, right here in the middle of TD and Ellie’s reception.


Yes, I can.

Shay loves to put on a show.