Page 3 of Pretty Drunk

“For sure,” Blair replies with a chuckle. “Enough about that though. Today is your day, El.”

“It’s my wedding day, but I’m sharing it with everyone, and that includes celebrating your engagement,” Ellie insists.

Blair looks down at the simple ivory satin dress Ellie chose to wear today. “My God, TD is going to lose his mind when he sees you.”

Ellie giggles and glances down. “He will, won’t he?”

“He’ll be throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you back in here before dinner is even served. Dresses will be ripped off. Babies will be made,” I tell them, looking toward Blair. “Probably two babies. You both will be knocked up before the end of the night, and I’ll be eating extra wedding cake and drinking all the champagne my body can handle. I’ll definitely be hungover tomorrow. Alone.”

As if he sensed I was about to embark on a private pity party, my phone vibrates with a text message. I already know who it’s from, and I refuse to acknowledge it in any way.

Unfortunately for me, Blair notices. “Your phone is buzzing,” she says, pointing to the device in my hand.

“Yeah, I know. I’m ignoring it.”

They exchange a look before returning gazes my way. “Who is it?” Ellie asks hesitantly.

Sighing, I shake my head and toss the phone onto the master bed. “Curtis.”

“Curtis?” they both ask simultaneously.

“Yep,” I reply, popping the P.

“Why?” Blair inquires, taking a seat on the bed.

I shrug. “He wants to talk.”

Ellie carefully has a seat on the bed beside Blair. “Again, why? It’s been, what? Two years?”

I nod. “Exactly. What could he possibly say now, after all this time? Nothing new. It’s the exact same messages every month when he tries to tell me he’s sorry and wants to get back together.”

“It’s definitely fishy, if you ask me,” Blair chimes in. “Text messages?”

“You could answer him,” Ellie suggests, but that feels like a terrible idea. When we broke up, I did everything in my power to make a clean break. Yet, he’s continued to try to plead his case and get back together. He knew my biggest issue was the fact I always came second to his job. If he really wanted to make it work, he would have tried harder—before now—and would show me he’s really trying to change. Not just sending me monthly messages, stating the same garbage.

“It doesn’t matter,” I state, giving my two friends a big smile. “It’s your wedding day, and it’s almost time to head outside.”

At the topic change in conversation, Ellie grins widely. “I’m so ready.”

As if on cue, there’s a knock at the door. “I’ll get it,” I offer, since I’m standing.

I carefully open the door and find Ellie’s eighteen-year-old son, Brody, on the opposite side. “Look at you, Brode. So handsome,” I say, stepping back so he can enter the room.

“Ladies, you look beautiful,” he replies as he enters the room. Suddenly, he spots his mom sitting on the bed, and the biggest smile spreads across his lips. “Wow, Mom, you look…”

Brody doesn’t shy away from the tears swimming in his eyes as he takes his first look at his mom. She stands up and goes to him, and I quickly grab my phone to catch their first embrace. I’m not big on crying, but I find my own eyes getting a little misty as I snap a few pictures of them together before setting my phone on the bed.

“You are the most beautiful woman in the world,” Brody says to Ellie as he steps back and takes her in once more. “TD is going to freak when he sees you. In a good way.”

Ellie chuckles and looks at her simple, yet incredibly elegant dress. “You think?”

“Definitely,” he replies, leaning forward and kissing her forehead. “Are you ready? I’m here to escort the bride outside.”

“I’m ready,” Ellie announces with a renewed sense of excitement. “Let me grab our bouquets.” She chose a small grouping of classic white roses and daisies to carry, which fits her personality. Classic and dainty. “All right, let’s get this show on the road.”

Blair and I follow them through the house to the back door leading to the backyard, where their wedding and reception will take place. It’s a small affair, with his family and their closest friends in attendance.

Just as Blair and I take our spots at the front of the line to walk the makeshift aisle, Ellie stops and turns her attention to her son. “Brody, I want you to know you’ll always be my number one.”