Page 56 of You Belong With Me

Faith shook her head. “I don’t remember the exact date … late June though.

“So just before her birthday?” Jesus. From what he’d heard, the divorce had been a mutual thing but asking for a divorce just before your wife’s birthday seemed stone cold.

“Yes.” Faith pulled a face. “Joey never did have great timing.”

“That’s enough to take the shine off, I’d say,” Zach said. His hand clenched briefly, picturing Joey Fucking Nelson. He shook out his fingers. It was doubtful that him punching Leah’s ex was going to improve her views on her birthday. He needed to give her good memories, not more hassle.

“Yes,” Faith said. “We had a girl’s lunch last year … but I don’t remember the year before.”

“Which means maybe she did nothing.”

Faith nodded, looking guilty.

“So it’s time to change it up,” Zach said.

“Do you want to have it at the house?”

He shook his head. “I want it to be a surprise. She might notice if we have caterers or whatever arriving at the house.”

“Caterers? How big is this party going to be?”

“Not huge,” Zach said. “But I don’t cook. So I figured I’d buy the food.”

“You might have trouble finding one of the island caterers free. Everyone will be booked up for the weekend. Lou would be happy to help,” Faith said. “Me too.”

“Lou does too much. So do you.” He smiled at her. “If no one on the island can do it, then I’ll get someone from the mainland.”

“So where are you planning on holding this shindig?”

“I thought I’d ask Billy. I don’t think he and Eli have anything planned for the Fourth. Eli said Nina was going to come over if she could but she’s got some big case going on, so he didn’t think it was likely she’d make it. If not, then I can ask Danny. Or Shane. It’s not like we’re lacking for houses around here.”

Faith’s nodded, her expression odd for a moment. “Danny’s loaned his place out for the weekend.”

Zach nodded. “Okay. Billy it is. I’m sure he’ll be okay. Never one to turn down a party. And I get the feeling he’s getting a bit antsy.”

“He’s touring after CloudFest, right? He always gets nervous before a tour. I’m surprised he came here.” Faith said. “Normally he chooses somewhere with a bit more distraction.”

“Pretty sure his main reason for choosing Lansing was trying to find a place where Eli will rest,” Zach said.

“Which means Eli is bored out of his mind too?” Faith said.

“Heading in that direction,” Zach admitted, with a grin. “I’ve distracted him for now, he’s helping me chase down some guys for my band.

“You’re going to have your set ready for CloudFest then?” Faith asked.

“Yes. Don’t worry, I won’t be pulling out.”

“Good,” Faith said. “Because if you did, I’d have to hunt you down and do things you won’t enjoy.”

“Which I would deserve,” Zach said. “But you won’t have to.”

Faith grinned at him. “All right. You going to ask Sal and Caterina to this party?”

“I’d like to. Leah said she was having a family lunch but I’d like them to come to the party too. Only trouble is that Leah isn’t so keen on them knowing about her and me.”

“Ah,” Faith said. “Well, maybe I can help you out a little with that. I can send the invites. Then as long as you play it cool on the night, then you and Leah can slide under the radar for a while longer.”

“You think Sal would be weird about it?”