Page 3 of You Belong With Me

Not that Zach was her business. But he was Faith’s.

By the time she was back in her car, loaded up with doughnuts and muffins for today’s studio session, she was still trying to process Zach being back. Gobbling down one of Stella’s best apple cider doughnuts—okay, two—in record time didn’t help. So she licked sugar off her fingers, wiped her hands on her jeans, and dialed Faith on speaker as she backed out of the parking space.

“Hey, Leah.” Faith’s voice was a little tinny through the car’s speakers. She sounded distracted.

“Hey,” Leah said. “Um, is there something you forgot to tell me?”

“Not that I can think of,” Faith said, voice sharpening. “Why? What’s wrong? Did someone show up at the studio you weren’t expecting?”

“No. Everything’s fine at the studio.” Leah ran the recording studio that Harper Inc. operated on the island. Did a lot of the sound engineering too. Even a little producing when she got the chance. She had the place running like clockwork. Well, as clockwork as a business that regularly had to deal with rock stars and other musicians—who, in Leah’s experience, could have a flexible relationship with the concept of “on time”—could get.

“Good.” Faith said. “I can’t think of anything else. Wanna give me a hint?”

Did she really not know Zach was back?

“Well, I’m not sure if this counts as a hint, but I just saw Zach and Eli walking down Main Street.”

“What?” Faith’s shriek made the car speakers squeal.

Okay. So that was probably a “no” to her knowing about Zach’s return. “So you didn’t know he was back?”

“No.” Faith sounded pissed. “Are you sure?”

“As I haven’t recently hit my head on anything, yes, I’m sure that I recognize your brother and his partner in crime.”

There was silence on the other end of the line.

“It might be good,” Leah offered. “Maybe he’s realized he’s been a jerk and has come home to apologize.” She tried to sound convincing, but it was a struggle. She’d always thought there was a good guy underneath the swagger and the burning desire to prove himself, but over the last few years Zach had put himself and his career ahead of his sisters too many times. Totally didn’t matter how hot the guy was, a pretty face and abs of steel didn’t make up for being a dick.

When it came to Faith versus Zach, she was firmly Team Faith.

“Always the optimist,” Faith said. “If Zach’s back, then I’m guessing he wants something.”

“Fringe Dweller just finished their tour, didn’t they? Maybe he needs a vacation.”

“I don’t think Lansing is high on Zach’s list of prime vacation spots.”

Leah sighed. Nope. Zach had been keen to leave Lansing in his rearview mirror since he’d been about thirteen. She hadn’t really believed he’d do it when she’d been young and stupid. Or rather, she’d known he’d go, but she’d always thought he’d come back regularly like Grey had. But now she knew better. “Okay, you’re right. But I thought you should know. Just in case he turns up on your doorstep or something.”

“Thank you,” Faith sounded sincere. “It’s nice to get a heads-up.”

Because her idiot brother hadn’t given her one.

“Call me if you need anything,” Leah said. “I’ll be at the studio in about thirty minutes. Are you coming down today?”

“Yes, I want to hear Nessa again.” Faith said, sounding more cheerful. “I’ll try to get away from the office for an hour or so this afternoon.”

“See you then. I’d offer to save you a doughnut but with the ravening hordes at the studio, I’m not sure I can promise anything.”

“Damn. Though Lou brought pie over last night when she came for dinner. Which means I had pie for breakfast.”

“Healthy.” Leah laughed.

“Just making sure I get my share. Caleb loves Lou’s pies so much he’ll eat the whole thing before I get home otherwise. And anyway, you’re the one eating doughnuts at eight a.m.”

“Who says I was eating any?” Leah said, checking her mouth for sugar in the rearview mirror.

“I know you too well, Santelli. See you this afternoon.”