“Like I’m doing exactly what I want and that I’m exactly where I belong,” I said honestly. “What about you?”

I wasn’t sure how to put my emotions into words, but that something inside me that had never felt quite right had finally settled into place.

“When we met, I was restless,” he admitted. “Something was missing from my life, and now I know exactly what was missing. It was you, Anna. You were the one thing I needed that all of my money couldn’t buy.”

I put my hand on his muscular thigh, and he covered that hand with his own.

Sometimes, Kaleb and I didn’t really need the words. We understood each other.

Maybe we’d been searching for the same thing, but we’d been so many miles apart that we hadn’t been able to find each other.

I’d probably never believe that fate hadn’t sent me down the wrong driveway and to his mother’s cabin that day, and I was a firm believer that a person made their own destiny.

Something had been drawing me to Montana after I’d had that meltdown.

I could have gone a hundred different places to find my solitude.

But, as fate would have it, I’d finally ended up in the same place as Kaleb.

What were the chances of that happening on its own?

He squeezed my hand. “I think I’m about ready to sweep my bride away.”

I was so startled that I giggled. “We can’t. We haven’t even cut that beautiful cake. You can’t possibly want me naked right now. You should be exhausted after the last two weeks.”

We’d made up for all the lost time we’d spent apart, and then some.

Kaleb caught my gaze as he said, “There is never going to be a time when I won’t want you, Anna, but I suppose I can wait a little longer.”

He sounded so disgruntled that I shot him a naughty smile before I said, “I’ll make it worth your while.”

His expression was intense as he held my gaze. “Just being with you, right here and right now, is enough for me, Anna. This feels like a fucking miracle to me.”

Tears formed in my eyes, but I blinked them back so I didn’t have mascara running down my face.

This man was a dream come true for me, too.

I had no doubt that we’d disagree sometimes.

Neither of us were perfect.

But we were perfect together.

I leaned close to him. “I wrote a song for you. I want to play it for you when we get back home. I need to be at the piano. It’s our story. It might sound a little bit crazy because I know you don’t believe in fate.”

“I think I’ve changed my mind about that since I met you,” he said with a grin. “Now I’m really eager to get home.”

“Cake first, and then I’m getting my first dance with my gorgeous new husband.”

Devon had taken care of the music. He was playing with a local band, and a dance floor had already been set up.

“It’s your day, sweetheart. As long as you’re smiling and safe, I’m happy.”

God, I loved that about him. He was always trying to please me, which made me want to do the same for him.

Kaleb’s happiness meant the world to me.

“When are you cutting that cake?” Devon asked from across the table. “I think everyone is done eating. Ever since I heard about it, I’ve wanted to eat that cake.”