We’d gone to the theater, Disneyland, Universal Studios, The La Brea Tar Pits, Griffith Observatory, and multiple museums.
It had probably been the best three months of my entire life.
It had taken me a while to accept that Ray had killed my parents, but I was more at peace with their deaths now. The man who had killed them was dead.
Kaleb had gone to the cemetery near Bozeman with me because I’d needed to visit. I’d really needed to tell my parents how sorry I was that Ray had betrayed them, and I’d felt better after I’d spilled everything I was feeling at my parents’ graves.
I wished that my mom and dad would have had the chance to meet Kaleb. I knew they would have loved him, and they would have loved the way that he loved me.
I didn’t go on tour, and I’d hired a new agent who didn’t push me to do anything I didn’t want to do.
I was enjoying my summer, picking and choosing my appearances, and writing a lot of music about relationships and being in love for my new album.
I’d been totally inspired by my relationship with Kaleb.
Our relationship wasn’t perfect, and it killed us to say goodbye so often, but we’d made it work because there was no other option.
We had to be together.
When he’d asked me to come to San Diego with him to meet his cousin and his best friend, I’d eagerly accepted.
I’d heard so much about both Wyatt and Shelby that I’d wanted to meet them.
I was nervous, as usual, because I knew they were both important to Kaleb.
He rang the doorbell.
The door flew open almost immediately and a pretty, curvy redhead threw herself into Kaleb’s arms.
“Kaleb!” the woman squealed happily as he removed his arm from around my waist and hugged his cousin. “God, I’ve missed you so much.”
“Let the poor man breathe, Shelby,” a very large man said from behind her.
I was assuming this was Wyatt, and I was taken aback for a moment because he was even bigger and more muscular than Kaleb.
The man was intimidating, but the adoring look in his eyes when he looked at his wife obliterated some of his scariness.
Shelby stepped back and immediately pulled me into a sweet hug. “Anna, I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.”
I hugged her back. The woman was so full of happiness and sunshine that I couldn’t do anything else.
She put me immediately at ease.
Wyatt clapped Kaleb on the shoulder and put his hand out to me. “I second what Shelby just said. We’ve been looking forward to meeting the woman who could finally get Kaleb’s attention. We just had no idea it would end up being a famous pop star.”
I beamed at the big man as I shook his hand, and he grinned back at me.
Okay, maybe he wasn’t that intimidating.
“Everyone, come in,” Shelby requested as she opened the door wide and we trailed into the house. “I’m taking Anna into the kitchen with me. You guys can catch up in your office.”
Wyatt lifted a brow. “I take it you’d like us to get lost while you two girl talk.”
Shelby sent her husband a sweet smile and said bluntly, “Yes, please. Could you grab Kaleb a drink at the bar on your way to your office? I’ll get Anna something in the kitchen.”
“I’m on it,” Wyatt said as he wandered to the bar with Kaleb behind him.
I followed Shelby into a beautiful gourmet kitchen, a room I knew that she loved because she was a chef.